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Overdues from January and before are done. They will be packaged and sent out tomorrow.

I have begun sketching Feb/March and hope to have them all sketched tomorrow ready for inking and finalising next patreon week. Thank you all for your patience.

A quick thing about YCH stickers, two character stickers and questions about said ones.

1. I don't read your form entries until I'm working on your stickers SO if you ask me a question in your form I won't see it straight away, please dm me if it's time sensitive.
2. YCH stickers, as outlined in the form, cost half a sticker extra. You can either paypal me the $7 USD (it's all outlined in the form) OR have 2 YCH stickers spread over 3 stickers (to clarify, a YCH sticker is 1.5 stickers, so two of them adds up to 3 sticker slots). Either way please send payment if you can for those so I'm not chasing them up a month or two later. Thanks loads.
3. Two character stickers use 2 slots. 2 reward points. If you want one in Copper Club paypal me the extra $15 or save a reward point for next month, but for everyone else please consider both your reward points used. Otherwise it's too much work to do (for example) 6x two character stickers for every Platinum Club member every month. It's double the work.

Thank you so much for understanding. NO ONE needs to change their form if they have done anything up until this month that doesn't align with what I've said. I haven't been clear and I'll fix that as soon as I can.

Love you all. Please DM any questions. I'm here to communicate and help you all as best I can. <3


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