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Kevin and Jack learn about Sleeping Beauty Castle's Drawbridge.



Okay I've thought the Same thing about drawbridge!


If I were going to hire a team of the best artisans in the world to make the most self-indulgent dreamscape possible based on my real life, I'd make it a combination of my childhood home and the granola-y food co-op my family went to when I was a kid. Because it had a huge bulk section with all kinds of weird flours and stuff, which was novel in the 90s, and as a child I was always DESPERATE to make a sandcastle out of all of them. I used to stand there near the checkout line and just fantasize about it. And the house would just be my house but like a victorian mansion also, with rooms completely stocked with stuff I like to play with. A Lego room, a Nintendo 64 room, a pokemon room. I wouldn't let kids hang out in it a la Michael Jackson , it's all just for me and the poor soul unfortunate enough to be my spouse.