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Good afternoon y'all

The Routine was broken this week

So. Yeah. A lot of stuff happened this past week. For those of you that don't know, I pinged on the server that I had to take a couple of days off, I had to go and travel to another city. There was a family emergency. A member of my family passed away, it was fast and peaceful but the fact is that they left this plane of existence. It's a very hard pill to swallow. I think many of us have been in a similar position, it's funny in a way how death is always present and yet unless it takes something more personal from us we don't bother to blink.

Im of course making a very broad generalization, I just find it interesting that Death is most of the time breathing down our necks and we can't really see it until it's a bit late. This one passing away was very personal to me, so it got me thinking a lot about what I have taken for granted and whatnot because funnily enough it also happened on the week of my birthday. 

Celebration of life and death. Kinda ironic.
Life has a way of reminding us of the ephemeral consequences of our existence.

The Project

In the little downtimes I managed to have, I was able to continue planning stuff for future projects and little tidbits of the current one, not that much was able to be poured into this one project.

That means the completion rate pretty much didn't move, Let's remind us where it sits at.

Current Engine Iteration: 99.99%

Initializing quest: 90%

Noelle Route: 88%

Toriel Route: 60%

Undyne Route: 30%

Now, I wanna talk a bit about last week's question/poll and its ramifications. So most of you don't mind waiting for a complete project and to be honest, that's commendable! Very nice of y'all! 

So, the reason why I thought about that extrapolation of chapter-like releases, its because, this kind of project takes time sometimes more than one anticipates, which messes up a bit the way you have to work with content creation, you create, you release, you get an influx of new people that now know what you are doing, etc. It's a very simple way of working really, but with long projects, this flow gets a bit slowed down cause of the time it takes to finish it. 

I know this aint very important to you but its just the name of the game, im naming it here so you can understand why sometimes I have to make some decisions, I have yet to reach a decision of what to do, I will await a bit more before I can decide something, Im gonna try also something and see if I can "Patch up" this downtime without "content"

Oh yeah! I released a TMNT loop, go check it out!

The Extra

Well, there wasn't much game-related stuff this week, I did watch a couple of mid-movies in the Bus and that's it. The most interesting extra stuff is that I got a very old sourdough starter so I will be baking again this year. 

I also released a poll to see which character you guys liked from Undertale Yellow, surprisingly Mooch won against Ceroba! Interesting, I will be using this one for some experimentation. There is not much more to report at this time.

See ya at the server guys!


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