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Good afternoon y'all

Sorry about the status report being so late! Yesterday afternoon we lost power on the building, and the government officials didnt manage to fix it until today, pretty much 24 hours later, so. Here we are! Now with power, work, and a cup full o' joe.

I had to check if all my stuff was alright, you know, PC, AC, fridge, etc. everything seems alright, if something starts to act up I have to fill in a lot of paperwork so the gov can pay me back the damages. Seems my food is also alright, I'm just gonna take out some fruit to be safe. That seems to be all about this little incident.

The Routine

This week past week I think time started to set, the pace was a bit more steady, getting back into the routine is always a bit harsh, I haven't gotten back to the gym, gotta get back to it, for now, the walks have been great I downloaded Pokemon GO just to have something extra to do while walking around, it's fun but man, the game has some clear designs faults.

The Project

Alright, I'm gonna start talking about specific developments here, and you guys must give me some hard feedback, ok? ok!

I mentioned last week we are sitting at an 80% completion rate and I also mentioned that the last 20% is the hardest to do, Why? It's when the playtest and polish start to take a central piece in the process, gotta debug, gotta ensure everything is working fine. etc. When I started to play test with the new dialogue system some very strange and weird bugs started to appear, the squashing took a bit of time but seems to be controlled as now.

Where does that leave us?

It's a bit complicated to keep saying where we at with the current completion rate so let's do a new % bar.

Current Engine Iteration: 99.99% (Chance of bugs - low but not impossible)

Initializing quest: 90% (Pretty much done, just needs to be tested)

Noelle Route: 88% (Pretty much done, needs proper testing and polish)

Toriel Route: 60%

Undyne Route: 30%

As you can see with this, Toriel and Undyne while they have been worked on since the focus is Noelle will still need a bit more time on the oven.

Which got me thinking.

What if I release each route as its available? kinda like...Chapters???????????? But not really since the pocketed dimension will not be big enough, and there would be no save data, so you would have to "start" each route every time it unlocked, and here is the most important part: It would be more like an Alpha, Beta, Gold.

So, each "release" would be only available for certain tiers which would be:

Alpha - VOTD and Accidental

Beta- VOTD, Accidental, Early

Release- All supporters.

This is the part where I ask about what you think about this way of releasing the content, and hopefully, you answer me with:

Yes, release it in parts or No, I want it all in one sitting.

The Extra

Since I had a bit of extra time this week because of the previous incident and some chilling time, I have finally managed to finish Undertale Yellow. I liked it? 


Ceroba was easier than Axis to me lol, also feel the latter part of the game lacks...something??? I still think the bar is quite high and all that, I just expected more stuff I guess.

I'm now starting the genocide route. Will report how it goes!

As for other games, hmm. I thought the Steam sale would be alive until the 11th seems I was mistaken! Whoops, and I wanted to get me something for my birthday, oh well, next sale!

See ya at the graveyard ya guys!



While I see the appeal in partial releases I'd prefer a full release

shota tanaka

could i get a link to the server please?