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Hi all,

Writing to let you know that a fix we recently released is causing issues with previous characters:

Previously, parts were organized in this fashion:

In latest release, they were however organized like this:

The reason for this change was because if the parent model was physically simulated, then the parent model would change its transform while the children would be unaffected, which is undesireable.

However, since the parent part model most likely has a different coordinate system than the container, it means that child models would orient themselves differently upon load in the newest build as compared to the previous one.

For this reason, we will change back to how it worked in the old way.

Getting parts to behave in the new way is still possible in the old way. You just have to set them to a specific bone:

Or you can surface snap (ctrl + click) or bone snap (shift + click).

All the best.

- odes



If you set the parent manually or if you use snap to bones or snap to surface, you are gucci regardless (in both systems). This post is only in regards to what happens when sub part doesn't have transform parent defined (other than being part of a parent part, which isn't the same thing).