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We've compiled a small list of problems that some people have been running into and some things you can try in case it has happened to you.

Can't export character

Make sure you extracted all the files and folders, and (if you moved them) that all items we're copied.

We've had several users not include the "External" folder after extract/copy. This folder and its contents are required in order to export characters.

Note, this is not a solution for everyone or every character. Some character simply cannot be exported properly atm.

If you are able to export characters in general, but have found some that are not possible to export, please let us know the characters!

Can't load example interactions

Make a backup copy of:


Then remove:


Start the app, pass the authentication and click "Interactions".

Now, copy the ".fvne_compiled_character" files from the example folder to %appdata%/FurryVNE/Cloud/Interaction/Characters.

After you've done this, you should be able to load the ".fvne_ic" files (interaction).

Can't login

Make a backup copy of:


Then remove:


Extreme slowdowns near beds

We've noticed an issue with potential extreme slowdowns happening when placing character near or on beds. The issue is exacerbated the larger the character is. We are currently working on rectifying this issue.

(The issue is due to Unity being extremely inefficient in resolving collisions with non-convex mesh colliders. We're currently trying to implement custom SDF collision for environment, but this will take a while to implement.)

All the best.

- FurryVNE Team



One thing I forgot to add is that the interactive version takes up a lot of disk space when generating files. I just created three scenes with two characters in one file format? (Or a timeline? Frames?) It takes up more than 600MB of space. If we keep going like this, it's gonna get really messy. Because of the frequent transfer of large files, this itself is very time-consuming


Compiled files take a lot of space. We may offer the option to keep compiled files compressed to reduce disk usage. However, that would increase load times since we'd have to decompress the characters before use every time.


In the mean time, no size difference sex on the bed lol.