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Hi all!

New content release introducing two new heads - Stylized3 and Cartoonfox2b.


As you may know, we're in the process of implementing animation/interaction systems for FurryVNE. While we're developing these systems, we're providing new content builds such as this in the meantime (that are being worked on in parallel w/o affecting the progress of the interaction systems).

The next dev log

Roughly speaking, we've been releasing dev logs about every 3 months. As the last dev log was in Jan, we're expecting the next one to be around April, but it may release later (or even earlier, depending on how things go).

We think the next dev log will be our last before interactions are released, and we intend it to include a "live" demonstration of them, explaining in great detail how these new systems work and how to use them. So essentially a demonstration/tutorial of interactions that should hopefully prepare you for the release and get some ideas going.

As we're getting closer to an interactions release, dogson may have to spend more time preparing everything to work with interactions, meaning he'll have less time over for content builds. So just a heads up - we may not have that many more content builds left before intereactions are released.


As we pointed out in the latest dev log, the supposed SDF bug fix that was part of Unity 2021.3.16f didn't actually work, so we immediately submitted a new bug report with the newest version of Unity. Now, that issue has been confirmed.

Here's the bug ticket. You know the drill (please vote on it):


While we do have our own baker that I think we'll use for some parts of the app no matter what (even if this bug fix becomes available), the Unity baker would still be beneficial to have in some circumstances. Getting our hands on this bug fix will mean interactions can be released sooner, so please vote.

All the best.

- FurryVNE Team




Best of luck to you guys! Unity's webpage is incredibly backwards, it keeps signing me off whenever I try to vote. EDIT: Tried on Chrome and it worked. Unity must hate foxes or something.


Hey, guys! Long time supporter here. I wanted to ask if you are considering adding human character options? I know the idea of the game is to be about furry characters, but it just seems like a waste not to at some point add human characters to such a massive and expansive model with vast possibilities.


Unfortunately, they can’t officially sanction human models due to Patreon’s ToS having a clause saying they consider human X furry content to be bestiality and therefore ban-worthy. Of course, Patreon is very lax about enforcing that particular clause (on the big earners, at least) but there’s enough examples of people getting axed for it to be not worth taking the chance. That said, the customization system is plenty robust enough for someone to make the custom offsets and parts for human facial features, so as long as you do it off the official cloud, you’re good to go.


Thanks very much for the thoughtful and complete answer. I hope my comment didn't come across as too entitled. The game is going to be awesome with or without human characters in it.


Forgive me if this has already been announced but is the game going to have toy suppor?


It's not currently planned but it's bound to happen sooner or later if enough people are interested. Interactions and VR have priority though. You can always make a suggestion for it on the cloud platform: https://yl2-cloud.appspot.com/suggestions