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Thought it could be interesting to have a Q&A section in the next dev log.

So if you have any questions you'd like a more comprehensive answer to, you can ask them here.

I can't promise I will include and answer all of them but I will most definitely give them all a look.



At the moment, the most interesting things for me that I don't think were mentioned before are: 1. Will there be any more advanced photo-taking tool in the near future? (variable field of view, camera tilt, variable depth of field and the ability to export a screenshot in a higher resolution) 2. Will it be possible to import your own HDRI scenes 3. Built-in editor or the ability to import own pre-made before 3D environment scenes? 4. And the last thing. Will it be possible to import two or more characters before all aspects of interactions, animation, collisions, physics etc. are fully implemented?


1. Will there be different types of penis bases / vaginas? 2.Will we be able to import our own body masks (muscles and so on)? 3.Do you have a character count goal? 4.Will we be able to import our own heads/hands/feet?


For #2 I think that it can already be done using custom offsets https://youtu.be/72b0QXcSmmw


Will it be possible to adjust your profile in the cloud soon? Profile picture or something, profile information etc


To what extend can we create custom props like dildos, cuffs, chains and ropes that are either part of the character like strap on or attach/interact with a character like handcuffs or buttplugs.


Not to be that guy but... expected final release date?


Will you have "help" or "tutorial" page. I recall a video explaining importing custom morphs, importing assets, etc., but now can't seem to find them. Will a off site wiki, or an in program help page be included/planned?


when will more maps be included, or will we even get some option to design/import our own?


Not really you still need a mask for light to work properly.


Hey there =) how far you want to push your program ? will it have an advanced fluid gestion ? how will be treated water on fur for exemple ? i join the other for : - the 3D environment scenes and hdri scenes what? where? when? *-* -tutorial page with both dev&community tuto. Opening it will be really welcomed since your old website shutdown with all the tutorial and help inside . and when did you plan to anwser theses questions ? =)


forgot somes questions : -with the animation updates change mean we all need to update our character too ? (like for the tail and garment part ) -will the animation will include creating soft and casual ? hug, kiss, saying hi from the hand? -the required setting will change ? right now i can turn FURRYVNE in ultra but with some tiny lag when loading. -another topic the sound : at wich point will FurryVNE have sound ? will it be possible to import sound ? last topic : UI -Tootips, a lot of them are missing, can we hope having it soon? i thinks with time we figured out what slider do what, so it's not an emergency =) -the UI is kind of correct, but will you make a more pleasant one for the eyes and more ergonomic ?


I hate to be curmudgeonly, but I tend to agree with the sentiment..once I found out this thing existed I started pledging right away, then jumped up to the max tier level since I have the discretionary income. But..that's been since mid '20 now, yes, there's been stellar development on the character creator, and the visual fidelity nips at the heels of many AAA titles from studios replete with dozens or hundreds of creative/QA/specialized staff. An I am aware that, at times, the effort is Herculean, or Sisyphean, depending on a given set back (I do work in Blender and substance painter etc, but miles below your talent, so I know how frustrating it can become). And I know you want to add a far wider set of character bases and customization than was in YL1, but I think there's a cadre of followers who have been quietly champing at the bit, so to speak, for a while. There's a reason in two and a half years I have posted perhaps once – because when I speak, I speak with the weight of the patience of observation and consideration. And I see a lot of, quite frankly, superfluous desires and requests. Will there be a cornucopia of genitalia? Will inflation be more dramatic? Will I be able to import custom fetish gear – and have it behave as expected? Will I be able to sate my coprophilic propensity? It's all becoming rather ridiculous. Speaking as one perfectionist to another, I beg of you, finish what absolutely MUST be done to make interactions functional. Cherry pick the most ready models, cherry pick the least buggy interaction bases, and start building the basis of that up, it doesn't have to be perfect out of the pitch – it can't! There will be bugs and crashes and defects. There will be complaints. There will be “where's MY desired fetish function?” You're the creator, you can do what you want, and you should, and damn the torpedoes. But there's a silent majority who simply want a functional interaction creator so we can start making boink boink interactions with that beautiful engine. All the complex stuff can wait. I've waited (and donated) for two and a half years, and I'm not stopping, but I'm like..how many more character editor versions do we need? I downloaded maybe two releases of the character editor and promptly junked it, if I want pictures of 3d models I'll just go on e621 and look up SFM renders, at least they don't drive my 3080ti up to 350 watts just to render them, and the ubiquity of 3d rendered erotica has become so common, the one thing that made YL special was the interaction making. Hell, I got so tired of the models as they were I found a few unity asset ripper/injectors so I could pull material maps and rigged mesh so I could import them to blender, pose them, subsurf them, bake new AOs, and clean up and remix subpar mod skins tweaked with modifying layers, then tweak the material maps (could never quite get those weird alpha channeled gray scale depth/normal maps to work exactly the way I wanted but close enough) then injected the modified materials (and textures where no slots for customs were implemented) and got half way decent results. (fem skins I was able to convert standard RGB normals to the binormal gray depth/norms and transbake them on to the nips so nips have knurlies (but those weird god damn UV cuts screw up the seam shading) and completely replaced the fox dog and wolf dongs diffuses and materials to have custom metalic, norm/depth and occlusions.


Rest assured, implementation of interactions is and has been our top priority for the last year. We are providing content releases simply to have something to offer in the meantime, but they aren't the main point of progress, nor do they impact the development of interactions. Interactions isn't a thing we can release little by little. There are a lot of intersecting systems, and they will be all released at the same time. The interactions release will be massive in terms of new features. We are thankful for your support and we are doing our best. I might point out that we're short on staff and most studios receiving the amount of funding we're getting would have gone bankrupt long ago. We are quite literally risking our futures and investments by cutting pay to be able to still work on this and cover operational expenses/taxes (we live in one of the highest taxed countries in the world). All the best. - odes