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Hi all!

Decided to do a video dev log to speed things up a bit (I can do a video log in 1 day whereas a text usually takes multiple days).

Link to video 


SDF Link (mentioned in video)

Bug link (Mentioned in video) <---- PLEASE VOTE!

Let me know how this format works for you guys.

All the best.

- odes


649.65 MB file on MEGA


william whittington

Can you put the video somewhere else? Mega is being greedy.


Mega is asking for a decryption key, can you post it?


Seems like patreon didn't include the link when clicking it. I remade it manually now to link properly. Try again.


Was it the decryption key error you were getting? Try clicking it again now. Patreon didn't link it properly the first time but should work now.


I really liked this format for a dev update. It seemed like a lot of work to make the video though so I can understand if it wouldn't be an every time thing. Seems like you've already got your hands full with the issues you brought up in said video lol. I'm really impressed with how much work you guys put in trying to get all this to work right too. Looks like it's been a pretty difficult time the past month but I'm glad you guys stuck with it and got a decent enough solution for now. Hopefully things will keep getting better from there and you won't have to do a repeat of that, but for now I gotta say thanks a ton for all the work you guys are putting into this!


Ei! Guirty Geal! Awesome to see the new Fur Shader, and how it looks in motion. I think there is more to be toyed around with this new fur than the old one. And I like the new format, shows us the magic and if its easy and fast for you, its easy for everyone!


Okay, having watched the video I can say I basically got what you were saying and I'm sorry about your tech problems. I appreciate you being fully transparent with us and hope the issues get fixed soon.


Sorry to hear about the technical setbacks. Don’t feel too bad about it, though, these things happen with every project. Hopefully Unity’s team gets on that bug real quick-like, too, I know what a pain in the ass it is to wait on things outside your own control. That ghosting effect of the fur in motion might have some uses for certain kinds of characters, though. Might be worth investigating it as an option for creators for all their ethereal creature needs. I’ve certainly got a few character ideas that’d benefit nicely.


hey srry to ear we won't have animation update anytime soon ^^'if i understand why a blog video is way faster to make than a TL:DR post, i really prefer a writing post, at least have a sum of the video


I really like the video log format, especially to cover technical stuff like here in more detail, I definitely don't want to read it xD. However, for regular updates and the description of what's new, a regular check list should work better, which can be checked at any time without the need to scroll the video several times. Thanks for publishing this post, we can see that you are putting a lot of work into this project, keep it up. This fur now looks really cool even in opaque mode without transparency. It is definitely a better solution than no fur at all and "naked" model. Finally, I have one, maybe a simple question. I don't know if anyone has asked about it before. After entering in Pose Mode and using ScreenshotHandler, it always renders the screenshot in 512x512. Is there any way to change this? It may be a very simple thing that can be changed in 5 seconds but so far I haven't found any solution. Thanks again and good luck with the project, we look forward to further updates!


Hi there Husky! Thanks for the feedback and kind words. The screenshot handler is meant solely for creating screenshots for upload, and the server expects each screenshot to be 512x512. All the best. - odes


Says I gotta pay money to watch the video or wait several hours before it's available to view.


Thanks for making me aware of that issue. I uploaded it here now too: https://storage.googleapis.com/furryvne-downloads/Dev%20log.mp4


Thanks for the answer, it would be nice if you could add a tool only to export screenshots to the .PNG file. Or at least the ability to change the FOV for free cam. It would be super cool ;)