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Hello, Dogson here to say that the pending content release of stylized bird head and the wing like bird hands are set to come in either tomorrow or the weekend because of some issues that had to be ironed out with the hands. They've now been resolved and there's some day of polish and sweeping up to do.

Q:Does this mean that the Fennec head will be pushed to May?

A:No, the fennec head and parts are still set for a late April release as of now.

- Dogson


Aliens Guy 42

will we ever be able to use assets freely across templates? like if i wanted to use feathers instead of fur on a model, could we do that? or use textures from templates on other models?


I intend to create a preset functionality so you can export and import fur/appendages across models. Also a repository of assets. Interactions have priority though. Everything I do is focused on that atm. -odes

Aliens Guy 42

so how exactly would that work? like how easy would it be to swap textures?


Any object in out framework can be serialized, so you'd save the texture builder as a file and then load it on another character. In this case, how good that would work depends on how the texture builder was set up.

Aliens Guy 42

What i was imagining is that every single model and texture would be in the respective folders so instead of "this template has x model and y texture. And this other one has diferent ones." I was more imagining opening the textures selector and having immediate access to every single texture in the game, same with models... no importing or exporting needed.