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Hello all, sorry for the silence, this month has been pretty  troublesome  for my private life but rest assured that content is being added for this months release.

Here we see the Big Canine head being applied to a wolf template that we're adding, the template will be both male and female. Also we're adding a second pair canine digitigrade for all you paw enthusiasts out there.





They look awsome😍

Jerbens Jarman

will custom heads/part uploading be worked on in the future? that's what I'm really hoping for


I personally would love to see that kind of creativity and I have hopes that we can push the .collada import with support for custom shape keys. -Dogson


Would be very nice indeed, us 3D amateurs could star making some real major contributions to customization with it. Just make sure it comes with some instructions so we don't accidentally nuke our builds or something, heh.


Awesome! I hope things are alright over there as well, tragedy has hit here as well. Rough year.


Looks amazingly like the grey wolf but brown. which is okay, but not divurgent. from what you have already. I voted for bears, but tigers or lions would have been okay. though being androgenous is distinct.


a male top with a female bottom?


Custom heads/parts are problematic because in order for parts to work, they have to fit with each body type. It's a tremendous amount of work. We even had to create our own external tools to keep track of everything to make sure everything fits. And if we'd add another body type, these custom parts would have to add more shapes to them in order to fit with the body. So I don't think custom parts will be possible to upload and browse through. HOWEVER, custom offsets or parts localized to a single character, that's a different story, since those parts would only have to be defined for the user configured body. I'm thinking something along this way: 1. Configure character (in app). 2. Export. 3. Apply custom offsets in external 3D software. 4. Bring it in. The app compares the configured shape with the imported one, and stores the difference as a shape. This does come with some other concerns, like how that would work with facial expressions. There's a risk custom offsets would ruin them. Perhaps there could be a way to fix it, but I guess we won't know unless we try. So those are my thoughts about it. - odes


Tell me about it. I feel that I can safely say that 2020 has been an self perpetuating dumpster fire for many people so far. -Dogson


Trying out a new way that I can show a more SFW version for all, it's a genderless version but now I'm not that sure if it's a success, haha. -Dogson


I've been meaning to ask you to make that (and hermaphrodites too, of course) an option for character genitals, actually, just haven't had a good opportunity to do so yet. Since you've apparently already got a genderless option all ready to go, you should go ahead and let us use it, too. Besides featureless crotches being an actual fetish for some people, it would also be handy for "clothed" versions of characters, since otherwise any underwear would just look like bodypaint.


I wouldn’t worry about user friendliness too much with custom bodyparts, it’s a very advanced feature, after all; if someone’s going to go to the trouble of making them, chances are they’re willing to put up with quite a lot of tweaking to make them workable. Part tailoring to a specific character sounds like a good compromise, as I imagine that’s what most people will be interested in when they require something highly specific for their idea. I’m sure truly dedicated creators who want to expand the options of everyone else as well will do the extra work of making variants for all the bodytypes and keep them up to date as you add more bodytypes, including making sure facial expressions don’t go haywire between them. I very much hope you can come up with a working system for it. There’s no way you could answer every little obscure desire the community can conceive, so giving us the option to do most of the legwork ourselves on more esoteric ideas would indeed be very helpful for everyone involved.


I wont be a good measure for female or hermaphrodite toons. I have no plans to use either. however my acknowledgement is honest.