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Here are the results of the first poll:


We have gathered the six most popular choices from phase 1 and condensed them to a second poll, where you’re also able to decide body shape.

Vote in phase 2 here!





Kinda hard to vote for a body type when we don't have a model template to go off of. I mean, will slender be down to the bone like skinny bitches irl or will it be slender in comparison to the first female which I can only assume is the yiffalicious standard for average? Or would the horse be the average body type for both genders? :S


I'd imagine the horse is a bit more athletic and all the females are slightly chubby/chubby. I'm all for more diverse body types. However, based on the polls now it looks like it will be a long while till we get a fox femboy or sharktits. Cheers for dragons anyway.


We wanted to make a template, but time hasn't allowed us. We apologize for that. The current females are chubby and slightly chubby.


I'm also sad about the femboy fox not happening yet. that's like the ONE thing you'd pair with a big ol' horse for m/m stuff, isn't it?


wait, how is it possible that the duck ended up so low? am I just being a bit obsessive if I were to mention that one species of duck(Oxyura vittata) has, in relation to its body length, the longest penis of all vertebrates. Ehhh, the results don't really bother me, Dogson will no doubt make it amazing anyways, but I do kinda hope we don't end up with a double dragon result.