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The next Yiffalicious character poll is here. Vote on the characters you'd like to see in future releases!

We're going to do things slightly different this time around. Instead of voting on multiple choices, we're letting you rate how much you'd like to see each species. Then, in a second poll, we'll take the most popular choices and let you select which one of them you’d like to see the most. In this second step we'll also let you vote on body type for the characters.

Choose wisely! ^^

Participate in the poll here!





If you do a male Zebra, you have to make his cock even bigger than the rhino's LOL zebras have huge dicks :P


here's hoping we break the safari theme (well besides with the wolf and all)


I must say that this is in my opinion a much better setup then what was used last time. so thumbs up for that.


Any chance in the future you're going to be doing more diverse body types? Ripped dudes and stacked girls with huge hips are alright but those aren't the only body types people enjoy.


We'll offer a large selection of different body types who people can vote for. So what body types the characters will have is up to you guys. ^^

Shadow Drake

Ohh nice selection there, Hoping the snow leo and dragon lady pops, aswell as a gryphon or dragon male, need something .. exotic i say :P


Need some aquatics, Sexy Shark Lady FTW please!!


good idea this way of pooling is a lot better i still cant wait for the girly fox


The stats at the time I took it was pretty surprising. My bets are male bull and female zebra.


cephalopod on the next survey please for cthulhu fans


Possibility for duck fuck? I know where my top vote is going.


Ya'll shoulda added A phoenix to the list.


Fingers crossed for mutton on the fem side.


How long is this poll open for, when can we expect the next?


The poll will be open til Sunday. As for the next one - it's a bit too early to plan ahead for that. :)


Hello! Out of curiosity, regardless of the poll winners, will all of the species and body types listed in the polls eventually be included in the game later on in development at one point or another? :)


Why the hell are there SO MANY 1/5 votes on EVERYTHING? Geez, come on people, there are NOT that many terrible choices here.


I think it's caused by votes that intentionally lowered rating of some choices to increase chance of winning other certain choices. No need to worry about that, it seems to be objective voting system afterall.


What characters will be implemented and what body types they'll have is entirely up to our users. Will all species and body types be implemented? Well, there are around 40 different species and 10 different body types of 2 (or more) different genders. So that would be a lot of characters. 800 or more to be precise. Maybe we'll do all of them, but that's gonna take a while to do 800 characters.


team up with HTH studio <a href="https://www.patreon.com/HTHStudios?ty=h">https://www.patreon.com/HTHStudios?ty=h</a>


We're pretty sure the HTH-team have their fair share of busy time as we do. Perhaps in the future.