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The first build of YL2's character editor. How exciting!

First, make sure your computer meets the hardware requirements outlined here.

Download instructions

The app comes in a self-extracting archive. You can either run the exe to let it extract itself, or extract it with 7-zip if that makes you feel better.

Windows doesn't seem to like unknown EXEs, so it may block you from running the self-extractor. To unblock it, simply follow these instructions:


Click here to go to the download page.

The hash of the exe is:

SHA256: 983612463B7392A0460847E96D16422C2E22ACF807C0726F232D02898B3F8B37

Getting help with issues

This is an alpha build of YL2. Expect to run into issues!

The best way to get help is to follow the steps outlined in this post in our forum.

How to get the most out of the build

We have some tutorials included in the app that you can find in the Help menu. We would have liked to add more, but we ran out of time. So learning YL2 is a little bit of an adventure at the moment.

We've tried to bake learning into the actual experience of the app itself. Read the description of properties (hover the info icon). A lot of properties are missing a description, but a lot aren't, too.

Also, when selecting certain objects, you get helper messages at the bottom of the screen. Check out for those!

The last tip we can give is (and this is a big one) - study Bunny! Study her in and out, and try to understand. You'll learn a lot from just doing that.

We are huge believers in learning by example, so we think as more people learn the tool and share characters, it's going to become easier for others to learn as a result.

Cloud sharing isn't built into the app yet, but it will be! It's a high priority for us.


Happy exploring/customizing/creating!

Update 06:44 CET:

We've released a very small patch that fixes issues with certain parts soft locking the application (certain hands and shafts). These were parts that were not intended to be part of the app at launch but somehow made it in there. So we just had to remove the assets to fix the issue (simple fix).




cheers for the years to come


After downloading and looking through the build, I can say this. Having terminal cancer and waiting for death would be more fun and exciting than waiting for whatever piece of shit build you guys push out next. After experiencing what little there was to experience in this pathetic excuse for a “build” I have concluded that this will almost certainly become yet another doomed patreon project. Condemned to eternal development hell/cancellation at the hands of incompetent developers. In short, this sucks and will go nowhere. The only advice I can give is to go back to yl1 while you still have supporters. It’s really the only hope for you guys. Happy new year.


Really enjoying playing with the build so far!


Damn, that's a lot of hate there man. Chill out a bit maybe, the devs seem like they know what they're doing and this isn't their first project; yiff 1 turned out pretty good. This is an alpha and they were trying to make a deadline so I'm sure things were a bit rushed.


I got on this build and played around, and oh goodness how much I wish there were animations implemented already, the customization is so darn good I can't imagine how well they'd look in motion! Keep up the amazing work!!!


Amazing for an alpha! Great work!


I've played with the current release for at least an hour. I must say, I'm quite impressed with the user learning curve. Most tools were a breeze to learn and actually use, and I was able to create and modify both the Bunny character and the templates easily in less than half an hour. Then again my line of work in Unity might help in that regard. Also, I'd like to point out the game's performance. It's a heartwarming sensation to see software balancing CPU loads across multiple threads, and using full potential of async workload. The GPU was also used to it's full potential (97% load), and not being CPU bound, even on a creator oriented hardware configuration (32 threads CPU). Huge kudos for that, I can appreciate when skill and passion was put in the code. There's no other way to put it. Otherwise, I've encountered a couple issues, notably when loading new models to replace parts of the character. Often YL2 seems to not behave as expected, and locks itself, preventing any other actions from being taken. But that's to be expected in an alpha. Also, posing mode requires a bit more work to be usable. I'd like to have a root bone, and a mode to be able to rotate a bone, and have it's children transforming along. It also looks like the hands IKs are sometimes overriding other bones being placed/set-up. In that case, this made me, the user, confused as to why the character was posing like that, at least until I corrected the hands positions. TLDR : Hude kudos on performance, User Experience was a breeze, posing mode needs a bit more work. Encountered a couple issues. Again, congratulations, and happy new year !


Wow, the fact that you released it at 3 am on new years day tells me that you are dedicated... well done!


Any plans to add more legacy characters into YL2? I'd love to see an updated Maya or Elaine sometime.


Definitely, the idea is to add one legacy model per release! Also, sorry guys for only replying to some posts in here atm. I've been up for 24h so I don't have that much steam left. I'm gonna go to bed soon. I'll give more replies whenever I wake up.

ryu lee

Oh, is this only for customizing characters for now till the next update will be for sex interactions?


This was surprisingly fun to get the hang of. I'm a major fan of character creators, and this is already being added to the hall of fame. Also, I don't know if it has been already addressed, but when setting the hands to "Canine," The entire model, minus the eyeballs, vanishes. It gave me quite the scare, but thankfully it's one of the starting options so I didn't loose much progress. Aside from that, This is an amazing start, and I can't wait to see what this will evolve into.


Does this build work with VR?


Congrats guys!

Petus Leekus

I'm sad I only got a few minutes to play with it last night. I'm amazed at how in depth it is, but also very glad for the freedom it allows. I can't wait to make some fully fleshed out characters!


It's great but I've got a few small request to save lots of time, like for example a brush tool for colors. It's really difficult to make black lips for example without doing it with like 5 layers of capsule gradients and painfully positioning them just right individually. https://i.gyazo.com/8135d26f407cc33dc54eab1228d826fd.png


I hope there will be a more simple character creator as well


Nice ! Creator is really powerful, hope it will be more comfortable to work with in the future. Be more newbie friendly to all this 3d texturing stuff. Also hope for lot more premade body types, ears, feet e.t.c. and a more in depth tutorial. And it be really nice if the cap for X,Y,Z Scale options would be higher. Also is there something on my end or only breasts have physics in this build ?


It's super cool! But if you could add a tool to paint the character in the same program it would be very helpful and much easier to work, instead of making many layers to paint something


Yes, we've been very clear that this would only be the character creator. Interaction systems won't be out for quite some time yet.


Out of curiosity and i'm not too sure if i'm missing it. But, is there not a way to make the penis soft/sheathed etc while posing?


When a playable build will be available you will be the coolest!!!


Sheathing and physics for shafts didn't make it in there for this release, unfortunately, but they will be added at some point. We want to make it so you can either have a penis that emerges or that simply grows (or both) when becoming erected. The idea is for the shaft to go physical mode when entering pose mode - just like the tits.


UI scaling is something that's drastically needed.


Thank you so much for that feedback, Fluent! And thanks for noticing and commenting on the performance. That has been a core concern for us throughout the development, so it's nice to get some recognition in that area. :) The issue with soft-locking the app has been fixed with a new build that is available on the download page. Ah, that's true. A root node that transforms/moves the whole character would make things easier. I'm a bit confused with your input on the hands though. It sounds like you'd like a forward kinematics way of posing? Thanks again, and Happy New Year!


Thanks, ΩMega! The issue with certain parts causing a soft-lock has been addressed in a new build. You can find it on the patron download page. (Certain legacy parts that shouldn't have been included somehow made it in there, causing problems.)


We might add a built-in paint tool at some point, but for now you can paint in an external application and then bring in the texture! We should probably do a tutorial on that.


I've been wanting to do a wizard, but it's a bit too early for such things. Maybe later when the app has matured more.


Will it be possible to have more indepth facial options than currently exist? Right now it seems like the face is largely dictated by the species head. Also, are there any plans for adding a 'human' or 'simian' style head preset? I understand this isn't feature complete even for character design, but I'd really like to be able to tweak facial bones and stuff like that if possible. Edit: Even beyond making human-style faces not all furry art has pronounced muzzles and such. I was really hoping to try and model my friend's fursona and their catgirl has a short/blunt muzzle that gives her a relatively human face-shape which I can't really replicate currently.


Wow! The CC is looking great, guys! Worth the wait!!! I've encountered some bugs, specifically one that prevented me from saving a character. It just saved forever and ever. The cursor changed to the little hourglass and wouldn't change back which is why I'm assuming this happened. I could export the character as an OBJ but not save it within the app! Also! I noticed the scalie tail doesn't have any bones. Will it get bones added further on? Hope y'all get some rest!!


dude, i'm gonna need a wiki page to teach me how to do this lol


Facial options is something that's pretty much in the hands of dogson at this point, because it's a very content focused thing to implement. Dogson has expressed a wish to get into rigging faces, but what comes of that I can't say at this point. I can however say that I'm definitely intending to look into implementing support for custom shapes. That is, being able to bring the character into a 3rd party 3D tool, offset the vertices the way you want, and then bring the shape back in. That would allow you to create almost any shape imaginable.


Hey there Mod! Hope you're doing well. Happy new year to you! I would need your output_log.txt or an exact reproducible in order to make any sense of this issue. Without those, I can't do anything. I'm sorry. I don't think any tail is rigged atm but they will most definitely be in the future. We also want to let users enable physics on tails.


yeah. its gamer time


Complicated, but in a good way. Good build for giving time to understand how it works. I certainly hope options to adjust camera controls will be added.


Surprisingly intuitive for someone with zero experience in modelling and working with 3d. I was able to tweak something I was happy with in just three hours and I learned a ton along the way. I can easily see YL2 having its own thriving community down the road, with wikis and tutorials galore - and become a gateway to many people learning 3d applications. Absolute top notch stuff!




It warms my heart hearing these words, because this is exactly what we're trying to accomplish. Thanks for sharing!


I'm on 2k personally with no issues. However, someone running it @ 4k is saying the UI is difficult to see.


For someone with little modeling experience (I've done some design work in AutoCAD and Solidworks but nothing like making characters) it's fairly easy to pick up, I just wish there were more options like the aforementioned face editing. Also: For the fur sculpting tool, more options than rectangles would be nice. Triangles for example.


Fur sculpting - you pretty much need a clip alpha map to make it look good. You could create a triangle clip alpha and use that if you want triangles.


I recently noted an issue regarding body types. Even when using the muscular male body type, if the bodytypeinfluence slider is reduced the result is not just a decrease in muscle mass, but an undesired production of feminine features eg. breasts. Any recommendations to remedy this are much appreciated!


Sorry for the multiple posts but I also notice that the male chest still jiggles in the pose mode as well, hope this helps!


Sorry for not explaining the context of that image better. I was just showing we know how to enable it for a future release. It's currently not possible to do this inside the current build.


Ah!! I'm doing well! Happy (belated) New Year to you too!! Hmm. Well, I decided to just cut my losses and close the program so the output_log.txt file may be missing, if it's not I'm willing to look for it so you guys may squash another bug! I opened a new instance of the game (note: did not reinstall just opened the game again) and the saving feature was working as intended. Probably just something unique to me hahaha.

High Sodium

Awesome demo of what's to come. Any word on if you're going to be implementing VR? It was great in the first one


We are going to be implementing VR, but that's probably not going to happen until we have the interaction system in place.


Sorry, this fell between the cracks. We're aware of this problem, and are discussing how it could be solved.


This looks great! Can't wait to have it :)


Im impressed what you guys did with this. Even though this is just a character editor and there are still some bugs, building this from the bottom up is awesome and this has huge potential. Im pretty sure this is what you are going to do, but perfect the character creation as much as possible before implementing interactions lol. We've waited this long, we can wait longer for perfection.


I love the app as I have used it extensively, already showed off 4 characters at the forums (Craket). Cant wait for more fixes here and there. As I am still learning, I keep having the nagging feeling on the lack of expressions, I know you said its up to dogson, but I do hope its not too much to add soon. Just a few expressions per head so that we arent stuck to an uncanny doll face. I have one other concern but I think that needs to be written elsewhere.