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Hey everyone !

It's time for another bi-weekly progress report. We're reallly getting close to release, but I still feel I have a ton of things to do. I want to be really cautious here and say I should be ready for the end of the month, as planned, but of course I'll update you on any setback.

This involve everything that need asset creation modification, from 3D modelling to texture, shaders... It's a really wide category and probably one of the most time consuming section, as creating a new model can take some hours.

And this section is done for now ! I created a lot of stuff, including some existing items variants, and the baby part of the level really feel vibrant and colorful.

This is also a quite broad section. It include using the created assets to build a level, and create in the engine all the necessary parameters to make the level work.

This is also totally done ! The level is playable and you can get to the "end of the game"

This is pretty self-explanatory. The programming involve all the code needed to make the game's logic work.

It was the core of my work the last week. I had really a lot of custom scripts to write to create some sort of narrative and interactive sequences. It took me a fair amount of time, because I'm triying to make everything reusable. For example, a pinata-smashing game could be a nice addition to the arcade.  But at last, it's done, and for the most part, tested. I still have some small bug-fixing to do.


This is also pretty self-explanatory. The writing can be split in two part : first, writing the general layout ,plot point and flow of the level. Then, writing the finals dialogs.

Now that all the level is playable and done, I've begun replacing the placeholder dialogs by the finals dialogs. This is not the most time consuming thing but of course it take some creativity.


Another really obvious section, this involve every bugs I know of in my backlog at the start of my planning session. Of course, this can increase over time.
Right now most of the reported bugs have been fixed and I'm fixing some self-reported ones.

Aside from that, I still have to add some flavours that doesn't really fit in any of theses : the final diary pages, achievements, music and sound....so basically, I'm at the detail and polish phase. I know it can be frustrating because the hard work is now done, but I really want to give a finished feel to this level as it's the last one.  

With that all said, I'm back to work ! See you next time!



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