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Heya everyone,

It's been a bit of a slow week. Real world work came back to bite me and I didn't managed to progress as much as I wanted.

Good news is, I finalized all the logic needed to complete the main quest up until the very last area door. It won't be an head-wrenching puzzle or anything like that, more like finding the right way to traverse the wood. I'll put in some red herring, of course, but I'm eager to have your review on this.

To finish the building up, I also added an abandonned building to the town. I may or not may get filled with our old ghosts friends. Maybe if you could get rid of them, this would be a nice place to host some events?

With that all done, I'm now entering the longest part : adding all the details and fill to the world, starting with the NPCs dialogs. I have more or less 40 to write, so I better start as soon as I can !

That's it for today, it's a very quick post and I'm sorry about it. I'm getting back to work!

See ya !



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