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This looks AWESOME. But please explain 😂

Episode 1

Password: 86-1FL

Episode 2

Password: 86-2FL



Hooo boy, this is gonna end up becoming an entire essay if I explain some stuff (soon enough the anime itself will explain the current situation), so I’ll just do the general terminologies. Handlers - They’re basically the commander. Processors - They’re the people living in the Eighty-Six sector, where most of the other races (aka: the ones who doesn’t have silver hair and silver eyes) live. They’re treated as disposable tools and parts of their machines, hence the term “processor”. Eighty-Six - They’re comprised of people with different races that used to live in the inner sectors of San Magnolia before they were brutally thrown outside to the Eighty-Sixth sector and are forced to fight the Legions until they die. Legion - Man-made unmanned machines that the Processors fight. Any more info are already in the spoiler territory. Para-RAID/RAID devices - it’s a neural network device which mainly functions as a long-range communication device between Handlers and Processors. As Annette explained in episode 1, it’s mostly used in communication to avoid the strain/damage on the brain, but it could be also used to transmit all five senses, as well emotions, to the recipient. i.e.: Handlers like Lena can use the RAID device to share sight; meaning that she can see what the Processors are seeing through their eyes with the use of the RAID device, but it’s rarely used because it could cause blindness (on the Handler’s side). Additional stuff: -Lena is the youngest person to become a Major at the age of 16. -Shin is also the youngest person to become the commanding officer for the Spearhead Squadron (he’s the same age as Lena). -The term “white pigs” are what the Eighty-Six people calls the Albas (the people in San Magnolia). -Albas are known for their silver hair and silver eyes. That’s what I’ll say (for now!) because some of the stuff you’ll encounter will be explained in the later episodes, so I’ll do my best not to spoil much!


Is a sacrilege to skip the endings lol. Btw Kita's va (from Bocchi the Rock) is our Queen Lena, Nijika's VA is here too as part of the main Cast (her character has not been fully introduced yet but she apperead on this 2 episodes, she is the redhead girl from Spearhead squadron) and of course Bocchi is in 86 aswell but as a non-important/background character lol (so fitting for Bocchi), also Anju's VA is Yor from Spy x Family


Finally, they are watching peak 🙏


86 is one of the best directed animes that i watched, the shows tell the characters story by visuals and damn those transitions 👌

Thorfinn's left nut

Thanks for picking this up. I couldn't watch 86 season 2 due to work stuff and now I can't remember anything. This'll be a good way to refresh my memory

WuXian Suibian

Lena talks about the The Special Wartime Peace Preservation Act, Presidential Order #6609, was a law enacted by the Republic of San Magnolia in this episode, which was when the 86 districts were created and the 86 were put into internment Camps. This is a reference to the 1942 American Presidential Executive Order 9066 (notice the number used in the LN and the anime is the actual order number backwards), which resulted in Japanese-American Incarceration during WWII. Just a tiny bit of history used by the author of the 86 Light Novel Asato Asato.


This is very much a character-driven show. The characters are quite complex and facial expressions and tone of voice play a large role in understanding certain elements and character dynamics. They're very human and people might not always say what they think or mean. Also, it might help to take note of any Personal Names of the Eighty-Six as you come across them, but it's not a necessity whatsoever


oh lord kudos to you two for acknowledging that you both are gonna miss out on a ton of shit lol but it hurts seeing you guys miss out on so much

Raul Velazquez

Anyway you guys can change the watermark a bit for the next episodes? Hard to read some of the subtitles 🥲


dissapointed that you guys skipped the ending music

Raul Velazquez

Also regarding your request to explain, the people with the platinum like hair are the upper class and anyone who doesn’t have platinum hair is lower class that gets sent to these wars to fight. The republic tell their citizens that they’re using these “unmanned drones” but in reality they’re using the lower class people to pilot these drones to fight.

Stories thru art

There are no spoilers in this: You will learn more about this as you watch the show. But the ppl with white hair are considered "superior" genetically cause they "evolved". They don't have any special abilities or anything, the only thing that shows the "evolution" is their white hair and eyes. Carlie's theory on making a perfect person is what I think is what the show was going for, though its unclear since there isn't anything different about them apart from hair and eye color. Because they consider themselves superior, all other ppl are considered "lesser" or "non humans". You'll notice that both sides call the other "pigs" so that might be confusing. At the start of episode 1 you see the Milize (handler 1 who cares about the "non-humans") get mad when the news announces "no causalities" the news is only talking only about those with white hair. You'll notice that all the mechs the 86 use, have a logo on it. The logo is both the name they go by and I think it represents them as individuals. You'll learn more about the enemy Mechs as the show goes on. Milize (handler one) had sent the enemies location to the Undertaker, which uses a different technology then how they speak to each other. They speak through the Para raider. When she sent the enemies location to the Spearhead squad, she risked telling the enemy where they were, which is why he said stick to speaking during times of fighting. Something to pay attention to as you watch the show. They show the Undertakers logo a lot. It has many meanings as you go through the show. In case you didn't get a close look at it. Its a skeleton with no head on it, holding a shovel. I hope this helps. Loved your reaction! Thanks for sharing!


Sorry to hop on the nag train like everyone else xD but yeah I'm with keeping the footage rolling through the credits - not necessarily all of them but for the sake of convenience, maybe. They're pretty much an extension of the episode and tend to provoke a reaction from the viewer on purpose

Aaron Wright

No spoilers here: Shin was trying to get out of paperwork by pretending he couldn't read, when his team mate let it out of the bag that he could read, so he was then ordered to do all the paperwork by Lena, thats why his team mate apologetic at the end

Philipp Scheuer

I remember seeing 86 in a list of suggestions on this channel a while back. Because of that I watched the first episode and was so confused that I couldn't even describe to a friend what the anime was about and even forgot the name. Until a few moments ago where I started watching with you again I completely forgot that this was that same anime.

Ordinary Guy

Here's some info regarding the food situation. I know you've already noticed this but there's a scarcity of food inside the walls of the Republic (The White-haired (Alba) people's country). Outside world is full of Legions so the 85 districts locked themselves inside the walls. The lands are limited hence artificial food had become the norms due to lack of farmlands and such. The Eighty-Six are outside of the walls so they go hunt for wild animals, breed and care for chickens produces eggs, plants their own veggies and fruits. So, if you think about it, the Eighty-Six are much more wealthier when it comes to resources of food than the Albas as they are eating real food which is considered a luxury to them. Though, the Republic do sends them a monthly provisions, those are only artificial food. Go back to the beginning where Lena was having breakfast with her Mom. You'll see how artificial egg looks like. That's why she was so happy when Annette ask her to stay to eat the Chiffon cake together because she used real eggs and milk, real ingredients.


Honestly was kind of surprised so many ppl voted for this. I think 86 as a series is more for ppl who are familiar (and are already fans of) the mecha genre and light novel tropes. I think more beginner-friendly mecha series like Code Geass or Macross would've been much better.

Kevin T

Another vote for you guys to not skip the endings! They are custom fit to every episode and the ED song is one of my favorites in anime for a reason!


so fucking excitedddddd, been waiting for this since I found you guys’ channel.


Be sure to pay attention to the dates they give


this is a very good series, and probably with my favorite sound tracks with aot next to it and VE.

aeriss eon

This is a good pick. I find this amazingly lovely and engaging. I got hooked. ^^

aeriss eon

Oh! The sound tracks here hit so hard.


Lena the Rock, I did not know that.