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Episode 1 



Seated! I don’t even watch the anime but I watched the live action and really enjoyed it. Hope you guys do too!

tanzim haque

I don’t like live action, but I might give this one a shot only cuz of you two reacting to it😅


This show is pretty solid but this is coming from a fan who has no idea about the manga or the anime. The two of are going to love this because it easily has the most no of ships in an anime (being a pirate show and all, don't kill me.😅)


The show so far has been pretty loyal to the original. (With a few changes here and there) The mangaka, Oda Sensei, himself read all of the scripts along with approving all of the cast members. I think what makes this live action different from other (failed) live action adaptations is that the creator actually had a hand in the adaptation. The show really balances the more serious aspect they are taking with One Piece, along with the goofiness that is that anime.

chef alex

i'm a fan of the anime and i'm so excited to see your journey with the live action!!! they had to compress a lot into 1 season but they stayed true to the source material. the most i can say about its accuracy (without spoiling anything) is that the characters are still true to their core and portrayed in a way that would fit a "real world" setting e.g. live action luffy has more sense of caution whereas in the anime he most likely does not


Hello! I had been thinking about joining your Patreon for months. When I noticed you started this I had to do it. I hope you enjoy this show, this is more of a manga adaptation than anime adaptation and it compresses almost all of the first saga of the manga into these 8 episodes. The East Blue Saga encompasses the first 6 arcs, this season adapts 5, the first 95 chapters.


is this foreshadowing that you will watch the anime version of this it would be so fun for you guys to compare the two once you watched both series


Ahh I was hoping you might watch the Live Action of OP. It's so good

Andhy thomas

those 1k episodes aren't even complete the manga and anime is still ongoing also no relation ship amongst the crew


watched this because you watching it, i like the anime alot more, but its actually not that bad, i expected way worse.