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Direct link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cCQWPBpM7B81dzvgAVkeg7-2NSLtSyrO/view

Piano - one of the stand-out instruments from 4th gen!

Over the past couple of weeks I've been practicing and recording those iconic parts that set this gen apart from the rest. Learning them has been an eye-opening experience - when you dig down past the surface level, a lot of these tracks have some really interesting voicings, a quality that the previous gens didn't even come close to matching. Here's a quick playthrough of one such part - in the original version it's buried pretty low in the mix but when you focus on it you realize that it's actually pretty intricate! Here's how it sounds in a bare-bones mix so that it's clearly audible and present.


Route 210 Piano (Patreon).mp4



Don't rush your project just keep taking your time.