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Play it here- http://dailevy.space/lc_builds/002a/ - OR download the swf below (requires Flash player)

Wow, this was a lot harder to get operational than I expected. There were a host of new challenges that came with switching technologies, one of them being my ability to keep focused. It's really hard not to add fun stuff like art and animations, which ultimately slows down the foundational work at this early stage.

Anyway,  it's pretty rough around the edges, but I've finally got a working build of LC using Starling and Spine2d. Woo! Next updates will be a bit quicker, since I had to rewrite the entire everything from the last build to this one. Now things will just be incrementally added on.

No gameplay instructions are included - all you have to do is click a partner and then click where you want him to go (only one place is available at the moment). To end the round, click the "collect" button at the bottom. That's it!

This build includes-

New, varying set of animations.

New art.


Foundation for varying partners.

Player orgasm/arousal system.

Basic UI that will allow for better stuff in the future.

Doesn't include-

Fully-realized gameplay mechanics. The "clench" ability isn't in from the old version yet, and the hotkeys were wiped. That's small compared to what the new system will allow me to do, so hang tight. This is just a sneak peak at what's coming!

Goals for next build:

Refine the "collect" animations and art.

Player abilities, including a couple toys.

Clearer UI

Mayyybe multiple partners. It's coming in one of the next builds!

Special <3 to my Tier 2 and 3 Patrons, who are seeing this before the rest of the world.


Looks like there are some bugs with the "restart" button not resetting everything properly. If you run into funky stuff after restarting the round, just refresh the page for now and it'll fix it. Or keep playing and watch things break! I can't stop you! :3



Updating this post so all patrons can see it &lt;3


I appreciate this