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The latest public version of SHF3 (v.25) is here: dailevy.space/shf/public 

Public release downloads are here: dailevy.space/downloads/shf3 

And here's the changelog for this build.

All public and dev versions of games are linked on the front page of my website:


Follow me on Patreon for alerts when a new build is posted :3

Public release schedule announcement!

From now on, the public release will follow several versions behind each major dev update. Public and dev builds will both include downloadable versions.

So, for the upcoming v.30 dev update, v.26 will be made public, and so on. This doesn't apply to minor hotfix versions, so if I posted v.29b, then there wouldn't be an accompanying public release.

For Tier 2+ patrons, nothing changes. You'll still have immediate access to every dev build. Tier 1 patrons will get early access a few days before the public builds go live. 

In the past, I waited to release public versions until I felt the game was really ready. The problem is that it's never ready. There's always something to fix. There's always another feature I want to add. So we're doing it this way now, which means more public releases than ever before! Woo!
