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Should hopefully work with Windows x64 and the latest Mac versions. The desktop version should have much better performance. 

Link added to the dev build post! 

This is my first time using Electron and electron_builder to package a desktop app. I hope it works for everyone, but I doubt it'll be that easy. Let me know if you have issues. I can't promise I'll know how to fix them, though >.<'


The Windows version leaves the assets unpacked, for those who want to play around with modifying game files. 

Heads up! This game isn't designed to be modified easily. You can experiment with variables in the data, but anything big like adding new characters would be pretty damn hard without all the source files. I'm looking at ways to make some customization options in-game that might make this kind of thing easier in the future.

If you're new to game dev stuff, this won't be the best introduction!  

If you're undeterred: 

Assets are under resources/app/assets/ 

/items/drag_items.cdb and /spine/rigs_data.cdb contain the easiest-to-modify data. Open those with CastleDB for ease of editing.  

Spine2d is used for the animation (although this doesn't contain the source file). All other texture files are packed with TexturePacker.

There's some disabled and deprecated stuff in there. Enabling random crap will probably make the game crash. I probably won't do tech support for that. The game code itself is compiled, so you won't be able to do much with it.  


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