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Dear Patron,

Thank you so much for your support! It's thanks to your generosity that I can continue my journey growing as a 3D artist.

The following post contains details about how to download your rewards on Dropbox: https://www.patreon.com/posts/dropbox-rewards-5439...

Let me know if you have any issues accessing Dropbox. Enjoy the gallery!

Added: 2024-03
Dear Patron,

Thank you so much for your support! It's thanks to your generosity that I can continue my journey growing as a 3D artist.

The following post contains details about how to download your rewards on Dropbox: https://www.patreon.com/posts/54399591

Let me know if you have any issues accessing Dropbox. Enjoy the gallery!

Added: 2024-01
Dear Patron,

Thanks so much for your support, it's thanks to your generosity that I can continue to do what I love.

In order for you to receive your rewards I'll need you to message me your gmail address so I can give you access to my Google Drive folder. Once I enable your access I'll let you know and then you can download your rewards.

Enjoy the Gallery!

Added: 2023-01