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So I've been looking about the new tax thing patreon is implementing starting June 1st. It seems patreon is gonna charge a tax to patrons starting June 1st. I don't know how much it is, but I want you guys to be aware of it, specially the 1 usd patreons. Actually patreon recommended me to remove tiers under 5 usd. What do you guys think? What could I do to make things easier to deal with?



Is it a regional thing or everyone everywhere will have tax?


I don't know much. It says it varies for every region so I don't know who will have to pay and how much :/ they sent me an email that says that they'll give you more info on June 1st


Their support says EU countries already pay, and they'll add 17 other countries, plus 36 states of the US. https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043054911-New-Sales-Tax-Requirements-effective-July-1st-2020 I'm EU so I was already paying tax. They apply it over my total pledge amount.


Guess i'll have to prepare to pay more.