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I will start this year with a small update on the rewards, basically restarting the Dynamics of the month and making them a reward by themselves. The most basic reward gets access to the final product of the Dynamic of the month (which will be for Patreons only), All other Patreons get full access to the dynamic (and of course access to the final product)

 I removed the Telegram stickers alternate option for the Illustration rewards as nobody ever requested any.

I specify how Google Drive/Dropbox access granting works so you guys have that in mind when Pledging

I added a deadline for Illustration rewards requesting. With it's due exceptions if you don't request your reward before the 15th, it won't accumulate for the next month (there are some exceptions with some Patreons that I am backlogged and I will keep tackling their rewards and/or upgrading them to a better tier) I do this cuz I already have a huge work load as it is, and if you would claim 5 months worth of rewards at once I wouldn't be able to finish them and the rest of the work I have to do each month. 

If you have any questions, please let me know.



i didnt get an email for the google drive