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Hey everyone,

I hope you had a nice week!

Just want to say: thank you to all that have considered staying around during these times, even to people who have dropped the sub some of whom would be tied to current events and I understand that. I would not be able do this without you! 

While piracy is a constant struggle to deal with, I can't thank you all enough for supporting me on my projects! 

This just had to be said again :) 

So what's up for this update? 

EDIT: I added cameras in the benchmark for the spitroast and extracted a movie for those who don´t have a PC. Next time I will do that from the start :) 

LINK => ISLAND BENCHMARK v1.2 & Spitroast Video

I made an update of the Island Benchmark, reworked a lot, added stuff while maintaining the performance (or even improving it). And will also release it to 5$ Patrons today, so more people can test it. 

Change log:

  • Lot's of internal optimizations to improve the visual quality & performance while having more content.
  •  Mountain tweaked and lots of Vegetation added - you can go around the Island and see it everywhere.
  • Spitroast added making it a total of 10 characters in the scene!  The performance should still be roughly the same! Please let me know how it works for you.
  • Bar improved with proper Booze and it also got a door now. No need to hop over the tray every time ;)
  • Tweaked eyes so eye color can then be tweaked as well for EP5.

Note: There is an error still occurring with an blue line drawn from the Ocean - please ignore that, it will be fixed in the future! I am just waiting for an update on that package from the Ocean developers.

Please test and see if you have better or at least the same performance, thanks! 

I will make another post for the PC version of Brittany Home Alone also today. You will love that ;)

Have a nice weekend! 




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