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Hey everyone,

as probably everyone noticed we have a worldwide issue with the Corona Virus. Currently something like Martial-Law was declared in Austria. People should stay home and have as little (best non) social contact with others. Everything is closed besides important stores like food & drug stores, gas stations. Whoever can, should work from home.

I am lucky to be able to work from home, but things are a bit chaotic and hectic right now. I need to take care of family members, make sure to have enough medicine and food at home for the next weeks and also take over schooling of my child, because schools are also closed. We will see how this week goes, but after that we should have a proper "workflow" at home so I have time for actual work at dedicated times. Good thing is that I am not totally unprepared because I like to have food & medicine supplies at home anyway. But there is still a lot of things left to be done, especially to have enough for a long period of time.

The whole idea of staying home is that the virus peak is not as dramatic as for example in Italy (neighboring Country). There, people are dying because the medical system collapsed. Doctors have to stop treating people that would normally have a chance, but moved down the priority list because of healthier people that have a higher chance of survival. To not have the same situation in Austria, the government took measures. And I am honestly glad about it if it means that lives are saved. 

Long story short: Me and my family are fine (at the moment) but there will be delays from my side in general. I will definitely keep the 2-week update cycle, and if I can do it even weekly again.

Stay safe! 




Good to know you safe and healthy. Cool I didn't know you were from Austria.


Look after yourself and your family mate. Take care in the coming weeks.


Be careful, and keep your family and yourself safe.


Be safe


Family first, stay safe


Ich habe volles Verständnis, wenn wegen der Corona-Pandemie alles langsamer wird. Alles gute!


esist echt heftig was hier hab geht :/


Glad you're alright, we're starting to feel it here in the US. Stay safe!


Hang in there. Stay home. Stay safe.


Yep, und das wird noch heftiger. Ich hoffe das ist schnell vorbei... Aber eingestellt bin ich auf ein paar Wochen


I live in Italy and i can say that the Sanitary system isn't collapsed but is really under pressure. The intensive therapy stations are overwhelmed and so the medical staff needs to work almost full time (god bless them). We have safety measures very similar to Austria currently, WE NEED TO STAY HOME and can go out only for important things (groceries and medicines) or for work permissions. Austria did a great thing adopting same measures. In this period is very smart to stay home to reduce the infections to the minimum. Stay safe you and your family =)

Bob Fink

Please take care of your family first, that is the most important thing we have. The rest of this can wait. I'm happy to hear your family is well for now and hope and pray they remain that way. Be safe.


They sent me home because of the virus and well, since I can't work from home and the situation in my country is very bad (to the point that directly, I can't work) because I am entertaining myself with projects. Take care of yourself Puppetmaster and family alike.


Ok, then not collapsed but under pressure. Definitely not good. And please also stay home if you can and stay safe.


Take care and stay safe ! Greetings from Vienna.


family is more important than everything else. delay in work is irrelevant. I wish you good health for the whole family.


Danke! Dir auch alles Gute, hoffen wir das der Spuk sobald wie möglich vorbei ist...


stay safe...


I have to use public transport here in London England to get to work (but at least now ONLY have to go to work when I'm needed to drive). Stay safe & well, HUGGLES from a safe distance XXX