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Hey everyone,

normally the next update would be next week, but I just finished some update on the Benchmark and did not want to have you wait :)

What's new:

  • Resolution Support: There is a Dropdown in Settings where you can set your resolution. Unity grabs the resolution from your system and adds all kinds of options. Super-wide aspect ratios should also be supported.
  • Middle Mouse Drag: You can press&hold the middle mouse button to drag the camera.
  • MAC Support: Yes! I was wondering if it is possible and it is. So now we have a MAC-Build as well for you to test. Please keep in mind that this is very performance heavy. If you can´t play other demanding games on your Mac, you can still give it a try but I can´t promise it will work... Anyway, give it a shot :)

=> PC-Link  

=> MAC-Link 

Let me know if everything works and if you can get better framerates when you lower the resolution. I am very much interested in how that works for people with older GPU or no dedicated graphics-card at all. Someone mentioned a Surface 4. I wonder if it runs now on that as well :)






Awesome. Are you still looking for feedback on performance from us?


Love the resolution selection! So at 4k I got around 30 to 34fps on ave. but on 1440, 60fps no problem. My monitor is a 4k Large format that's only capable of 60fps max, so it could probably get a lot higher.


The MAC link is broken, I get the following message: The file you are trying to download is no longer available. This could be due to one of the following reasons: The file was removed due to a violation of the terms and conditions. Invalid URL - the link you are trying to open does not exist The file was deleted by the user.


Ok that is super weird... I just checked again and corrected the link: https://mega.nz/#!NSphDALZ!5vruNayP9IUAzRpMvcb-v3mTQdc-zWTqeQOotnXvnWo


Only from those where the performance was not so good. The rest is fine, thanks :)


YES! That´s what I was hoping for! That the performance increases once the resolution is lowered. Thanks for the feedback!


Odd... the PC link is broken for me. Shows me this message The file you are trying to download is no longer available. This could be due to the following reasons: The file has been removed because of a ToS/AUP violation. Invalid URL - the link you are trying to access does not exist The file has been deleted by the user.


I am currently uploading a fix (wetness was not working properly) but the internet speed is horrible. Everybody is home, browsing, because they have to stay indoors because of the Corona Virus. Give me max 1h and I will update the link. You should get a notification once I change the post.


My whack ass PC cant handle it, the best FPS i could do was between 15-20 and thats in the apartment on the lowest resolution with all the effects turned off. At least your actual movies work flawlessly, just got done watching episode 3 again.


a little late to the party. is this still available? mac link is still broken


Hey, thanks for letting me know. Please use the Pose-Viewer and Bootcamp for Mac. We stopped supporting regular Mac because we don´t have the hardware anymore.