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Squeaking in just under the wire, this month, with Queen Bee as the second bonus story for September!

It's 4.5k in length, and I must warn you that it starts a little dark - with someone getting swallowed up by a suddenly liquid floor - but I promise you that it lightens up, and ends on a surprisingly sweet note. (I don't want to spoil you, but let's just say this is NOT a truly dark story in the end.)

The story is about Brianna, a scientist, who is called to explore a massive bee hive - alongside her "bimbo" assistant Deborah and their soldier guide Alexis. It features a relatively light physical TF, and a little bit of a mental TF  (but no identity loss.)

You can read it on dropbox at: https://www.dropbox.com/s/79o4e5vs9qq12og/Queen%20Bee.pdf?dl=0

Or on my site at https://princesskay.net/bonus%20stories/Queen%20Bee.pdf

Username: member

Password: Dancinglights

PS: It's not really mentioned in the story? But in my head, the bee girl's are aliens, which is why they work so Obviously Different from actual bees. I tried to go back and fit it into the story, but sadly couldn't find a palce where it din't seem forced.


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