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So. One thing you may or may not know is that the bonus stories I write actually become public after a month! I'm realizing that I never actually repost them for patrons, on patron, though - I've always just sort of said it on my discord and twitter and the like.

Well, this time, I'm saying something: Cheer Up is now free for all audiences!

It was a collaboration with my friend Penny, who can be found at http://deviantart.com/l0ver0se - and while not at ALL sexual, it does tell a delightful hatching story.

It can be read on dropbox at https://www.dropbox.com/s/7g8tykl5u8wzyd6/Cheer%20Up.pdf?dl=0

Or on my site at https://princesskay.net/stories/One%20Shots/Cheer%20Up.pdf (No password required)


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