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This video shows of some of the new stuff in 1.16:

  • Clothing grab
  • Push posing
  • Hands models for motion controllers
  • Leap motion support

Additional items not shown have also been completed. Please see Trello board for more info.

1.16 release plans:

1.15.1 was a more major release than expected, and that was just 13 days ago. I will be on vacation next week, and it looks like there is at least another week of work to wrap up the release, so the release estimate is roughly 2 weeks from now.

Thank you all for your support and I hope you enjoy the preview video!



VaM 1.16 Preview

Showcases new features in 1.16: Clothing Grab Push Posing Hands Models Leap Motion Support



OMG :D Need a Leap Motion !!!


Really glad i kept mine! :D Just be sure to get V2 as it has wider FoV


Enjoy your vacation!


Amazing thanks for adding the Clothes Grab. I truly appreciate the work you do.


Amazing! :D Does it support leap V1? or only V2?


Kinda want a leapmotion now, they aren't that cheap tbh.


The moment when Meshed grabs the camera to adjust view, just golden!


This is going to be a great release! Push posing is going to make VAM more accessible too. When I first started using VAM I found the whole node manipulation thing really unintuitive. I appreciate it more now, but the complexity of VAM sometimes makes it feel like a physics sim rather than software erotica.


The whole push pull with real hands looks so realistic. Really looks like some real videos I saw of Matt McMullen manipulating some Realdolls into various poses. Impressive. I wonder if this tech could be used in the mega millions fashion industry to try out new clothes designs or something like that 😄


Oh my fucking god..! I've been waiting forever for true Leap Motion support whining on Trello since you released the first version..! And it's finally here!!! Mesh you've really OUTDID YOURSELF HERE! The clothing, the posing with the object interaction is... is... Just... So... BEAUTIFUL!!! It's the FUTURE! I'm finally living in the future now! :P This is the best goddamn gift I got all damn year!!! YOU TAKE THAT VACATION MISTER OR THERE WILL BE HELL TO PAY! :D


Freakin' sweet! Looking forward to it! Enjoy your vacation! 👍


Omg omg omg!


Wow! This update looks amazing! Does this mean that in the future we can lift skirts (this update) and pull down panties? I didn't see the panties in this update, so I figure it can't be done (or was that just because the video is on youtube?)

Michael Strickmann

Fiiiiine...ill buy a Leap Motion Controller....Happy now? :D


Yeah you can pull down panties now. I should have teased that here!


Just excellent! Look's like I must to upgrade my PC soon and buy somewhere the 3d googles and leapmotion device.


outstanding :D


damn. Each update is honestly a total surprise. This is awesom


All this is beyond of my bravest dreams)


Looks very promising! These girls really need a breathing animation though, remove some of the static dollness of them. Amazing work though and fun previews :)


is MEGA capped to 130KB/s since lately? the download takes 9 hours for 9 GB :-/


er... this will goes nicely with my rdoll lol


sorry for my english. friends, let's shoot more about Virt-A-Mate more often so that it becomes more popular, so that there are more followers of Virt-A-Mate, let's advertise our favorite Virt-A-Mate. I hope you understand what I wrote =)


Holy crap! That's awesome! Like putting real dolls or any other doll product out of business! Haha


Gives me a reason to slap the headset back on as I've been using the desktop mode since it was possible!

No Thanks

Epic. Also, hilarious gestures on your part

No Thanks

I've been using desktop a lot more as well. It's much better for the simulations, because I have some serious performance issues in VR otherwise - with a 7700k/1080 ti.


Making mesh based clothing was a stroke of genius on your part! It added so much more realism to the project. I'm a dedicated VR Patreon. Never tried the desktop mode. No wish to either. My 1070 runs it flawlessly. Please keep up the great work!

Black Fox Lingerie

Ughhhhhhhhhhhh I need a VR headset already!!!


It's amazing!


Pour ce qui découvre la VR prenez un PIMAX4K, on perçois a peine les pixels et de tres bonne qualité d'image, avec le systeme NOLOVR, l'ensemble 550 euros environ....


For those who discover the VR take a PIMAX4K, we can barely see the pixels and very good image quality, with the NOLOVR system, the whole 550 euros approximately ....


So will the Leap Motion work in desktop mode?


Really nice work ! impatient to try it !


excited, just ordered me a leap


This is the most exciting update for me. I can't wait for it :). Every one of these 4 new features could be a reason for a single big update. And we get them at the same time :). I think quite a lot of folk here who use the desktop mode most of the time will pick up the headset more often with 1.16. Excellent work Meshed VR. I'm a proud supporter.


Finally a reason to re install my leap motion :D need to get a mount for it


A recommended video that popped up after this one: "The Negative Effects of Masturbation" lmao!


Amazing work! I just tried the older leap motion plugin and I can only imagine just how great this is going to push the experience. Thanks for your hard work and keen mind!


@meshedvr will it be possible to add a second leap motion sensor to get better tracking? <a href="http://blog.leapmotion.com/multiple-devices/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://blog.leapmotion.com/multiple-devices/</a>


I want to buy this game if its support to mixed reality vr


It works fine with Windows MR headsets like the Samsung Odyssey+ (I use that one almost all the time and my Rift and Vive are collecting dust).


i see that leap motion is being supported. anyway that the steam knuckles could get the same love?


Yes. I plan on enhancing the hand models to support rift hand poses and also knuckles once publicly available.


Please dont forget to fix the menu system! Searching threw 1000 items in the drop menu for the exact animation pattern is flipping killing me! I'm spending all my time prob 80% of my 4-6 hours a night doing that then creating! I should of been done with my scene weeks ago. Gona be 2 months on one scene.


Looking forward to this release! How are things looking? :)


There are several items in 1.16 that should help with this: <a href="https://trello.com/c/JfDICYJG" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://trello.com/c/JfDICYJG</a> <a href="https://trello.com/c/p8joOrV4" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://trello.com/c/p8joOrV4</a> <a href="https://trello.com/c/ETYIqpVt" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://trello.com/c/ETYIqpVt</a>


I was on vacation last week. There are quite a few things to finish up before I can release. No ETA just yet.


Been away since 1.14, most excited I've been in a while. The last release looks amazing,and now leap motion. just ordered mine, hope I can get it working with my setup(I use ivry+nolo) currently, but if not, rift is finally affordable


I bought a leap motion for this :)


No! Desktop use as well.. what I've used like 99.9% the past year!

Justin Morales

Is it available to play now or no?


when is this out ?


Leap moiten is Installed, reday to go. :))


Would it be possible to set up an automatic nightly build?


:D Wait, wait, wait... you tease


leap was probably like why did we just have a surge in purchases???


Just a question .... how do we go to get a file "sound" in "URL"? thank you


From the main UI, hit the scene audio tab and you'll find options to load audio. Once loaded, it becomes available in the scene.


Gibt es auch mal ein Tutorial 1.15.2 die Tutorials hier sind veraltet, wird es auch mal ein Language Pack geben ? es ist ein tolles Game aber nicht alle beherrschen die Englische Sprache und somit ist es kaum möglich dieses Game weiter zu spielen


languagetool bitte ?


language pack


looks great can you still grab her with your hands while in push/pull mode?

Jose XI Silva

im counting the minutes for this next update


Video is pretty funny, looking forward to the next release.


Any ETA update? It's been over two weeks and I finally got Leap working and have the day off :(




It is going to be a few more days. There were lots of details and some bugs that had to be addressed. Currently working on additional sim clothing items.


We're joking meshed. We know how hard you work and the stress you put up with. Take all the time you need buddy.


That update with the sheet is freaking crazy! Love VAM! Basically the only thing I do on the PC anymore and the whole reason why I still use PC's and even currently upgrading to a 9900k and 2080ti ftw3 ultra and a fat m.2 fast drive just to help with loading my massive scenes I've been working on for months haha.


this is now one of my main applications. can't for the update.


If you saved the women of course you can load her into another scene.


But how does that work? :-(


Select the person control. Go to the "control" tab. Up at the top, you will find the "load look" and "save look" buttons. Once you have saved a look, you can load it into any person in any other scene. <a href="https://imgur.com/hmuv2ee" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://imgur.com/hmuv2ee</a>


Thank you so much :-)


"We're joking meshed. We know how hard you work and the stress you put up with. Take all the time you need buddy." I mean, I wasn't. Sure, he does amazing work and this is miles ahead of anything else like it and is a quality product. But he has 5,580 backers. Even at the very bare minimum estimate, if *every single* Patreon was just a Teaser one, he's making $11,160/month, and $133k/year. That's minimum. He quit his job to work on this. His full-time job is releasing updates to this game and he's making INSANE money doing it. So that's why some people, like me, start to get impatient when he keeps going on vacation and delaying updates. Now I sound like an ass, sure, but I'm just doing a mini vent here. I've been at the $8/month tier since inception so obviously I'm not just some pop-in-pop-out troll who's not supporting the game. Just venting. He's extremely talented and is implementing and iterating on so many multi-faceted components. It's a lot to program. I have programmed in several languages and can only begin to estimate the amount of work he's doing. But this is just why we start to beg for ETAs once it's been a long, long time :)


I agree. But then again, he's only one man, and only one man can do so much. Also don't forget that even if he has the cash, there's so damn much coding, bug killing, and research he has to do to get all of this actually working. And the cash doesn't only get the income to his own pocket, lots goes into the engine he uses, tools, assets that probably costs a tonne, plus also models he has to buy and experiment with. Sure he's rich now with the cash, but as said, still one man with so much mental capacity. Doesn't take a week to finish one research, specially if it's a field you've never touched before.


The best game of all time, those who complain because they are not fast enough have probably had a bad childhood. I love this game and I'm happy every time it gets better. The only thing really missing is a language package Sorry for my english


I also pay € 8 a month and pay it wonderfully for the great game wonderful game


Stephan that's rather insulting. I think some of us appreciate monthly updates for monthly payments, that's all. Nobody's criticizing the work, or the amount of effort put into this, we're literally hoping it comes out more frequently. That's quite the opposite in fact. :) --- Meshed can do what he likes---, we're simply giving input- which I think is about as fair a partnership as we can have. I am also a creator-level supporter, and have been since 2017.


Meshed should simply ask his customers if they prefer bigger updates that take 'as long as they take', or monthly updates (containing whatever can be completed in a month), or something else. Find out what the majority of customers want and deliver that.


Sounds fair to me. I'm perfectly fine just adapting to longer times if that's what's best. I think we all get a bit antsy seeing these cool previews for a month and want to go play :)


Release date ?


Release date ?


Between 1 hour and 2-3 days. He's just now working hard to squish out the worst bugs and making sure everything works properly for the release. Delays happens when he goes through the code and finds issues, tests, finds a new issue, fixes, tests and so on. And when he finds the new update and now leap motion support satisfactory stable, then he will release it.


For those wondering what's going on, please check Trello: <a href="https://trello.com/b/LDlEpfvk/virt-a-mate-public-plans" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://trello.com/b/LDlEpfvk/virt-a-mate-public-plans</a> or the Discord server. I'm most active in those places. 1.16 should be out within a couple of days. I put more into it because I was having a bit of a snowball effect of fixing and improving things while adding more clothing.


Hi MeshedVR! Your product is getting better and better! I wanted to ask if there are any plans to add vibration to the simulation. Grab and hold should do permanent vibration until released to simulate the connection between you and your mate. I understand that doing exact haptics just by entering a model would be to difficult but the grab-vibrate thing would finally add some real feedback into the mix. Thanks for your wonderful work!


Today sometime.


Future is coming) This game requires tactile feedback gloves. And a bottle of perfume) Does the game have feedback controller support? If so, how is it implemented?


I don't see a " Completed" section on Trello, is that normal? I was hoping to find detailed changelog for this release.


It has been moved the completed section: <a href="https://trello.com/b/r9Bjaoni/virt-a-mate-completed" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://trello.com/b/r9Bjaoni/virt-a-mate-completed</a>


Bon travail, mais les doigts sont pas réaliste quand il y a la collision....il se tortillent dans tout les sens et cela gâche le réaliste....il faudrai un paramètre pour la fermeté des doigts......merci


Good job, but the fingers are not realistic when there is the collision .... it squirms in all directions and it ruins the realistic .... it will be a parameter for the firmness of the fingers ...... thank you


omg this is hilarious, cant wait. Thank you my man.


Hey Meshed, idk if you have done it already, but you can get a free set of steams EV3 controllers if you fill out their form saying you are in development. Deff what i plan on getting when it releases.


Is their cumshots (male fluid) in the game yet?


THIS is good for my vr project i wonder!!)))


Hey! Check out our new project!