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I ran into a performance issue during final testing today that I think I have mostly solved, but this put me another day behind. What I have left for tomorrow is to add a few more sim clothing items. I already have a few completed. There will be some existing items with Sim option added and I'll be adding new items as well. 

Since the last update message I also made a few more improvements to hair simulation and coloring system that allow for even more control and ease of getting good looking coloring.

I'm hopeful to have the release out tomorrow sometime. Thank you for your patience!!



thanks for the update


No worries, one more day it's nothing ...Thank you again for all this nice work Meshed ;)


Looking forward to it! Thanks for the update! 👍


You can do no wrong in my book. Keep up the great work. Looking forward to that schoolgirl outfit.


Seriously, things like this happen and there's nothing anyone can do to prevent it. I'm just happy that you communicate with everyone so frequently!


Can’t freaking wait!


Cant wait man. Been having a blast with this!


yeah! dude, take your time. As long as you keep delivering and I stay employed I'll remain a supporter, lol