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I'm back from a very nice and greatly needed holiday and wanted to post my thoughts on what I hope to accomplish with VaM in 2019. But first, let me thank each of you for an amazing 2018! I am honored and amazed by the amount of support on this project and also the incredible community working on plugins, scenes, looks, textures, morphs, etc. to make VaM even better! Thank you!

I expect sometime this year I will split VaM into 2 release streams. 1.X and 2.X. The reason for this is the 1.X stream is becoming more difficult to add more features to without making performance even worse. There is quite a bit of duplication and inefficiency in all the physics systems in VaM (joints, soft-body collision, skin collision, hair, clothing) that is the primary performance bottleneck. It is time for a refresh and reset to open up the performance bottlenecks and also bring a bunch of new technologies into VaM. Getting 2.X out of the gate is going to take a lot of time and effort, so my plan is to get 1.X in good shape and add more community-based features so that 2.X work can proceed while 1.X can still thrive. Here are the rough plans for 1.15, 1.X, and 2.X:


  • Clothing sim improvements and fixes
  • Some new sim clothing
  • Plugin system improvements
  • General bug fixes

1.X over next several months

  • Clothing import
  • Hair import and/or styling
  • Morph compositor (combine several morphs into a single compiled morph)
  • UI and quality-of-use improvements.
  • Performance improvements if possible
  • Review of open community requests and reports. Trello board cleanup and review in prep for parallel 1.X and 2.X streams. 

2.X starting in several months. Early alphas will be provided to backers for a sneak peek.

  • Move to Unity 2018.3 and beyond. Some significant changes to prefab system make it hard to update 1.X to 2018.3. The 2.X reset is a natural time to make this update. 2018.3 brings a lot of exciting new technology and performance improvements.
  • Move to DAZ Genesis 3/8 models. New dual quaternion skinning system and joint-controlled morphs (JCM) will produce more natural joint bends. Genesis 3/8 models also generally come with much better textures than current Genesis 2 models. 
  • New High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP). Better and more efficient lighting. Better shadows. Built-in post-process stack that will be extended to users to allow customizing a scene's look and effects like bloom and depth-of-focus. Most effects work in VR.
  • Completely new skin and subsurface shaders that are compatible with the new HDRP system.
  • New physics system for soft-body and skin collision. Will either be merged in with GPU physics system used for cloth and hair or utilize Unity's new CPU-based ECS and job system depending on which gives better performance after some research and testing. I expect this alone could more than double VaM performance and remove the current main CPU thread bottleneck that exists in 1.X. This will also most likely allow for higher fidelity soft body physics with more areas of softness (thighs, stomach).
  • Fluid physics. With improvements to skin collision above, accurate fluid to skin collision should be possible.

As you can see 2.X will be a lot of work and is quite ambitious, but I'm very excited to continue to make VaM the best interactive adult sandbox application out there.




Welcome back Meshed! Happy new Year! Exciting times ahead indeed, thank you for your great ambitions :)


A good new year! And good luck with 2.x! Just don't make it a rewrite! ;-) <a href="https://techbeacon.com/17-opinions-resources-rewrites-vs-refactoring" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://techbeacon.com/17-opinions-resources-rewrites-vs-refactoring</a>


Happy new year! Meshed 😄


Woohoo how exciting 🙌🏻


Can't wait for 2.x 😀 Happy New year!


My man, you are the best! I CAN'T WAIT! &lt;3


nice good job


Build it and they will cum!! ;)


I must say that i am incredibly impress by this software. Well the fact is the pron is not the most interesting things in it (but still is interesting ahem). The sandbox possibility amaze me. I never felt empathy for digital character, VAM is inspiring. I might buy a rift mainly for it.


Welcome back MeshedVR, and oh-boy am I looking forward to these future updates!


The soft-body physics and clothing and VR stuff is already impressive. But I think a glaring omission is that the characters don't DO anything. There are animations, but they're not interactive. All you can do in the game is look around and move objects and contort the characters. They don't even have a breathing animation. Also, sadly most of the looks (in the community pack) don't look good, they're all weird and unnatural in some way or other. And it's a bit funny that when I loaded a community scene with 10 girls in it, my GPU (1080Ti) driver actually crashed from the strain...


Sweet:) just make sure to give us a simple skirt and t shirt


Please push into interactivity, responsiveness and making the models more "alive" in 2.x Perhaps hooking into open source ai projects. Also, any plans for DLSS and Raytracing?


Straight import of Daz models would be awesome also. If we could buy models from Daz and bring them in fully clothed and customized that would make things much more streamlined. Perhaps with a more realistic base model to work off of.


Best of luck in New Year, and can't wait to try out new features.


Sounds good! My only request for inclusion prior to 2.0 is some kind of basic clothing that can be user-skinned, such as general pants, shorts, shirt (both tight and loose) and sleeved/not sleeved. The amount of content this commuinity would then generate could cover everything from uniforms to street fashion :)


Seems like you will be burning alot of time on maintaining V1 when most of us probably want V2

VR Ambassador

Nice! But i thought HDRP is currently not working for VR. Tried it a short time ago. But maybe Unity implemented VR support now? Rest sounds very, very Good. Go Meshed go :)


Your work is of the highest quality and you are leading the industry. Please keep up the amazing work!


Now I wish I can take a 1 year sleep! Plan sounds very professional, keep it up, your work is very inspirational.


Sounds promising! I'm certain it will be great! Keep up your good work, your efforts are appreciated :)


I do a lot of Daz studio stuff as a hobby so I'm so looking forward to v2.X. Can't wait for Gen 3/8 to be implemented in the game because of higher quality skin textures. *drools*


Love the idea to move to Genesis 3 and 8, but will you at least leave support for Genesis 2? I've created a lot of morphs for it and I wouldn't want to lose those in the shuffle. Unless you'll just leave those in 1.X and offer downloads for both 1.X and 2.X, I'd be okay with that too.


Is it possible to integrate Meshed VR within the Unity Editor or is it only distributed as a standalone executable? We are hoping to use Meshed VR for a university research project.


FYI, I've messed-around w/HDRP and it's incredibly slow. Even simple models may never render fast enough for VR framerates. Plus, you've gotta rewrite any custom shaders. But, it does look nice. (Temper expectations accordingly.)


Such a big fan of your work! You're a genius!! Keep it up


Still waiting for hands instead of the basic occlus/vive blue and red dot ...


Are you using latest version? <a href="https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/ScriptableRenderPipeline/wiki/VR-in-HDRP" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/ScriptableRenderPipeline/wiki/VR-in-HDRP</a> I found performance to be decent from my early first look a couple months back. I plan to move to 'lit' shader or make a custom version of it. That is why I'm doing it in 2.X where everything will be new (all new Person &amp; other atoms)


Sorry I cannot distribute the source. Much of it is proprietary and I also use a lot of licensed material that cannot be distributed.


1.X will continue on for some time. I don't plan to add Genesis 2 support to 2.X as I'm writing an entirely new pipeline for it that is tailored to Gen3/8 setup (different mesh/skinning/JCM)


Thanks for keeping this fantastic project moving! I gladly continue my subscription!


How do i get the full game?


Really amazing work, keep it up! Also Unity 2018.3 has some Oculus runtime issures currently FYI


Sign up at the "creator" level. The post containing the key will unlock; scroll down this page to find it. It's the same download for all versions. The different keys unlock the different capabilities.


so, any teasers yet? what should we be expecting in this months update?


I’m excited for your plans for this game! Still gonna try to date real girls though no offense 😂