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1.13 will likely arrive mid-month as 1.12 did. I really need at least 30 days between releases or not much gets done. I try my best to stick to monthly release intervals as I believe that it is important to match the Patreon pledge model. But this is not always possible depending on what is included in each release as some things take longer than a 30-day release window would allow. Thanks for your understanding and support!

 1.13 planned highlights:

  • Hair Sim V2 performance optimizations
  • Some new Person content (clothing, hair, and/or textures)
  • Automatic genital texture creation (helps with FaceGen texture import which does not generate this texture for you)
  • Morph compiler and on-demand loader
  • Additional Plugin features/tweaks
  • Bug fixes

1.14 thoughts (not firm, just what is in my head as possible):

  • Clothing sim work (hope for a simple early demo)
  • Move to Unity 2018.3 which should bring sizable performance improvements for CPU physics bottleneck. Quite a bit of work is required to move to this version of Unity for this particular project. I already took an advanced look at this release (it is in mid-Beta still) to scope this out.

Further out

  • Hair Sim V2 styling
  • Clothing sim completion
  • Person V2. Genesis 3/8. 
  • New render pipeline (improved lighting, HDR, post-effects)



You've been on a hell of a pace for over a year now.. just take a look at the first few releases and compare! :) I'm sure soon enough we will have enough to play endlessly with so you can take a short vacation to dream up new stuff for the future. Really.. what more do we need besides a few more hair options and alot more clothes and some performance optimizations? After that take a few months to get the new gen 3/8 working and we would be set!


Dude I love you so much I would keep supporting you if you did an update every other month. Really looking forward to the additional clothing options.


Quick question when you do move to Genesis 3/8 would we still be able to use our models we created? I have some amazing ones i have made in facegen and i would hate to loose them.


I dont think we will ever loose access to older models but I do worry about morfs used for looks. Is that possable that past morfs wont load in future releases?


can't wait for some clothing. also add some male ones please. and is it possible to make a random trigger. so when the trigger is activated like a button or atom. it will pick a random command. like let the girl talk random stuff or pick a random color.


any plans for fluid dynamics?


I'm all for performance improvements :D


cum fluid?

No Thanks

More casual clothing would be awesome. T-shirts, crop tops, sweaters, shorts, etc.


加油 add oil


You kinda have a glossy look already. Or want to get it out of a bottle?

Lost Hawk

Great news, good to see new updates every month! This game will be the best on the market!


How is physics currently handled? Any way to leverage PhysX on nVidia cards?


Something I'd really like to see is the back of the throat be closed off or developed further so that a view inside the mouth doesn't show through the back of the head. This really inhibits vore content!


I would be okay if the cycle reset back to the first of the month (I.e. give yourself an extra 2 weeks), if it meant some really great features.

frank gai





Nice :)


Def looking forward to Gen3/8 integration. So much better than Gen1/2