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You'll need the updater to install the patch. You can download the  updater (if you don't already have the 1.12 updater from the release) here:


Extract the contents of the zip into the folder where you installed VaM. Double-click VaM_Updater.exe to launch the update process.

Release notes: 


  • Clicking on an image in browser copies the image link to the clipboard for easy pasting into ImagePanel atoms
  • Added some safe file IO functions to SuperController for use by plugins

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed adding an additional plugin to atom that already has plugins after load
  • Package save no longer saves multiple copies of assets
  • Fixed all tessellation seam issues
  • Fixed WebBrowser non-function UI elements


  • Drastically improved non-sim hair shading over skybox
  • Fixed CustomUnityAsset UI popup to be longer
  • Improved error and message splash UI panels to not be as obtrusive
  • Image panel will try to load image from url even if url does not end in image format suffix



so I did follow these instructions. and my creator key is invalid. help?


Gonna wait the zipped one


Well, everything seemed to update as per usual. I could see it downloading the patch and it installed without a hitch. However on launch I still have version being displayed on the start menu. I tried the new feature of - Clicking on an image in browser copies the image link to the clipboard for easy pasting into ImagePanel atoms - and that works ok. What's up doc? :)


Cheers Meshed, thought it must be something simple. :)


Please post manual patches because the updater does NOT WORK for me and I'm very frustrated. If no solution is presented I'm canceling the support.


Besides, all other "community driven erotic games" that I play always give you the option of either downloading a patcher in .exe form or as a plain simple .zip that you drop and overwrite the new files in game directory. I DON'T UNDERSTAND why Meshed VR has to be so cutting edge and make something so simple THAT complicated.


Sorry you are having trouble. I plan to overhaul the patcher because it has caused trouble for many. Please try the following: Run VaM_Updater.exe. Click Options button. Click Force Repair. This method of updating seems to work better. You will have to re-enter your key when it completes. If for some reason that does not work, you can download full here: <a href="https://vam-j9n8934bpwmz.stackpathdns.com/1.12/VaM_Release1.12.0.2.zip" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://vam-j9n8934bpwmz.stackpathdns.com/1.12/VaM_Release1.12.0.2.zip</a>


download keeps failing I deleted my old version hmmm


The updater is a crock of s*** and has never worked for me, always failing after downloading the files. Gave up on the repair option too because its too slow. Can you please just give us the zip file on a fast(er) download server? The linked download server is so slow - 4 hours for 6GB - and it's overkill when you just want apply the subset of files that have changed. Love your app but the update process makes me want to rage-quit my subscription.


Hey, has the game gotten or will it get multicore support for soft body physics simulation? For me it still lags with soft body physics even on my hexacore 8700k because the "game" doesn't use more than 4 threads or somehting. Atleast uses half of my cpu when it could achieve maybe 90 fps with softbody physics at any time and action given.


Is 1.12.02 broken for anyone else with a Rift? I'm running Oculus Home 1.32 and I can't interact with anything in-game. I can see and move the two orbs that represent my hands but that's it.


Even with the menu open? I think ya need the menu open to show the lazer pointers.. I'll test it in a few hours on mine.


@eclypse. I have laser pointers at the opening screen where you can select the content level. Once past that, the empty scene opens with the menu open &amp; the Touch controllers are just orbs with no laser pointers. Downgraded Oculus Home to 1.31 and it's the same problem. I suspect 1.12.02 is broken with the Rift


Yeah, the direct download kept failing due to network timeouts. The 4 hour estimated download time (!!!) turned into 16 hours for me. Grrrr


@Andrew Make sure you are in Edit Mode


VaM uses a lot more than 4 threads (it uses dozens). The issue is Unity Physx physics system has a main-thread bottleneck which ends up limiting your framerate and then your other cores end up sitting idle waiting for work while main thread is busy. There isn't much I can do about this until Unity makes some progress on this issue. I'm considering making a GPU-based physics system for soft body physics in future, but that is a long ways out.


I have tested on both Vive and Rift and both are working. Are you stuck at the loading screen or can you get past that?


No problems with my Oculus Rift here. Other than a few bugs I noticed that were repaired with the last two patches. Everything works as advertised.


If I had laser pointers, I'd be able to select Edit Mode ;)

No Thanks

Can you make it to where the eyes don't get crosseyed when looking at a target?


That happens when the target is too close to the head. My workaround is just to keep the target a good 3 or 4 feet away, even if that places it well behind the object she's supposed to be looking at.


When will you add cum fluid?


Why there is still in game menu? Wereas updater shows installed?


Meshed forgot to update the text...nothing to worry about

No Thanks

Ponytail with the new hair physics would be awesome.


The don't be apply correctly. It's still in 1.12.01 I tried to download the entire game from scratch, and same thing, my 1.12 updater say that in good version with nothing to patch, but my game is stil in Any Ideas ?


Meshed just forgot to update the version number text. Nothing to worry about, you should be updated ok.