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  • Bug fix: new mp3 importer only allowing single mp3 url to be imported
  • Bug fix: Auto colliders not sizing correctly on scene load
  • Bug fix: reset buttons should pause simulation to prevent glitching
  • Bug fix: Web panels and browser – fixed issue with desktop mode not getting mouse and key focus
  • Bug fix: Tongue collision was turning off with auto expressions toggle
  • Bug fix: UI popup sorting issues in User Preferences panel
  • Bug fix: Desktop batch file was leaving command window open
  • Tweak: More tongue collider tweaks and glitching fixes

If you have already downloaded and installed patcher, you simply need to run VaM_Updater.exe again. It will download and auto-patch to If you have not yet installed, follow the directions below to get the new patcher:


  • Download the zip below
  • Unzip into the folder where VaM.exe is located
  • Run VaM_Updater.exe (Windows Defender SmartScreen might complain the 1st time your run this, but choose More info -> Run Anyway)
  • The updater should download and patches and update your copy.


If I release any more 1.9.X updates, this same updater will be able to be used to get those.

Thank you for the support!




What happened to the update zips ?


The new updater works great! I'm really loving it.


I keep getting a crash where the updater opens but quickly closes, quickly enough that I can't read the errors it's giving.


New updater can patch binary files with just the things that have changed and that results in a MUCH smaller patch file size because of that. and would have been closer to 500MB combined instead of 110MB combined.

Mike Liator

Could you make the radius for possession points adjustable? Also, a "possess head only" that leaves the other possessed points in tact would be super useful.


Worked for me no prob! Nice job.

Tim Jones

Web panel still not working?


same here. web panel shows up for a split second, and then disappears. have checked and unchecked and rechecked the box


Hand/Thumb morphs don't save in a scene. UI trigger buttons can be seen through objects. thx meshed ;)


Strange issue I'm noticing with 1.9. Older scenes I've made have an issue with mulitpal people. One scene with just 2 women even. Person 2 will out of nowhere will change to person 3 which does not exsit. Right before the change is made I notice I cant see any options under person 2. It just says none.. and then the next thing I notice is that it's now changed person numbers. I've noticed this on a scene with 2 people and one with 4 people. Happened before and after latest patch.


Also in my eye candy scene (I've uploaded it to you in the past) I made where the women lay threw a image panel.. in the past i could just disable collision and all was fine.. now its effecting the person and sends them off flying in a second. I've had to turn off the image panel.


I'm trying to repeat this but have not been able to. It is possible you are activating the Atom text field now. You can change names of atoms now. It forces a unique name so the number could get incremented.


I just loaded up your old scene as I still had a copy. I think a change was made where image panels now default to collision on which is causing the weird glitching. If you click each of the 3 image panels overlapping the person atoms, and go to physics tab and turn off collision at bottom it should fix the issue. I re-saved your file with these changes and reloaded and now don't see an issue.


I just tried this out and did not see an issue. Do you have specific morphs that are not working? I tried fist, spread, and straighten. All worked.


Wow! Your awesome.. good to know it's a simple fix.


BTW, how does one change the name of an atom?? In desktop mode I cant find it anywhere. And tried everything I can think of.


Simply click the text where the atom name is, then type in a new name!


Also one last bug i'd like to mention and others can easily test this out for themselves.. While editing a face.. after a little while say prob over 15+ mins the face starts to sag. The eyes and cheeks and mouth.. (prob more) start to sag and I have to quickly save and reload the look to refresh it back to normal. So last night I had to make sure to keep saving every few mins or i'd be making adjustments to the false look.


Also a scary sight.. late last night I loaded up your scene Pool 1. And minimized the window and had it running in the back ground without me knowing.. I believe I even opened another running instance of VAM without knowing and after prob 4+ hours noticed the tab for it open. Opened the window and had a frieghtning sight of the women with a near skeleton head! haha.. Face looked melted and nasty and you could see threw around the eyeballs. I should of taken a screen shot but didn't. :/ Face was all sunken in and gross.


Oooo...gona have to try this now lol :)