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hello, nice Job!!! How can i disable the eyetracking?


Currently there is no way to disable eye tracking on the character. Future release will have some gaze controls.


Hi. I just signed up because I was blown away by the great work you did on the Holloween girl. A bit creepy at first but is now my favorite. Made me want to see a bit more so I signed up. Just a note thought that I use a windows MR headset. You might want to keep these in mind when you develop as Microsoft is pushing a lot of these over the holidays. It mostly works fine. Only minor issue is I cant figure out how to record or snap pics.


Thank you! In user preferences menu you can mirror what you are seeing to desktop window and then you could record the desktop window in application like OBS studio. I can't remember if I added the screenshot button to all backer levels or not, but I thought I had in 1.3 release. If not, I'll add this in future build. I have an Odyssey headset and have used it a bit. Unity is still working out some kinks with their support of these headsets so I don't yet have native support, but I hope to soon.