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patch 1.0.1

To install, download the above file, run the exe, and point the patcher program to the "Release1.0" directory inside the directory where you unzipped Virt-A-Mate to. The patcher program should do the rest.

This small patch release contains the following changes:

1. Physics rate cap disabled. I think this was causing some issues with asynchronous timewarp and/or reprojection. This was also causing the slo-mo effect people were seeing. This was due to physics being forced to run at same rate as rendering. If you were in reprojection (<90fps), the physics would go into slow motion. Now physics will continue to run at 90fps except in extreme cases. Instead of slow motion, you might see some motion stuttering if you are facing framerate problems. There is a new toggle in the User Preferences to turn the cap back on if you prefer it that way.

2. Targets will now only display if the UI is open since many complained they were distracting and on touch were too easy to trigger due to it being a natural resting position of your thumbs on A or X button. There is a new option in User Preferences to go back to old behavior if desired.

3. Added new option to swap Oculus Touch trigger and grip buttons if desired. Someone asked for this and it was easy to add.

4. Added new User Preferences tab that exposes some existing options that were only in prefs.json before, and also adds the new options described above.

   a. Mirror To Desktop option exposed

   b. Target transparency option exposed. This allows making the joint targets less visible.

   c. The 2 options describe above have toggles here to control.



Could there be a transparency option for the joint names also ? because they still appear when the UI is closed, they would be much less distracting if they were almost invisible (or completely invisible if possible). Morever, in my case, when the "control:person" is selected for accessing to the morphs for example, I can't move down or up any longer with the right thumbstick of the touch controler. I have to unselect the "control:person" for fixing that. So, could the morphs, clothing, hair etc be accessible by default in the menu ? Sorry for asking, I'm probably nitpicking. ;-)


I can add an option for also hiding the joint names and controllers themselves. i will put that in patch 1.0.2 (it will be a week before I can do another patch because I will be away from my VR dev computer for a few days). The right thumbstick is disabled when you have something in the UI selected because you can manipulate UI elements with the thumbstick. So if you have a drop down box selected -&gt; up/down move control is disabled. If you have a slider selected,right/left move control is disabled. You can click A/X button to deselect the UI element (point somewhere there is not a UI control and click). Then you can freely move again. I can consider disabling UI control using thumbsticks to prevent this or make an option for it. I can't move the morphs, clothing, hair to the main UI because long term you will have multiple characters in the scene at once. You really must select something before being able to modify it.


I support you on Entertainer Pledge, you're work is amazing !! i follow, and i try to report idea / bugs, ( Sorry i'm french, my english is not really good ^^'


Odd. My suggestion would be to reinstall in a new dir and try again. Can you private message me the contents of that file so i can see what the issue is?


Wow. Just wow. I've been trying to follow adult VR content in a low-key way for years. Since the DK1 days. I've seen a lot, and a lot has been shit. Recently we've been spoiled with VRGirlz and meakrob47's work. But...honestly...I think you've eclipsed them both here. To have such detailed and realistic soft-body physics running in tandem with dynamic lighting....and a great UI with so many great options...you win. You win. This is wonderful. Only downside at the moment is the hair options, but obviously a ton of those options wouldn't be in such an early build. I'm just surprised at how much IS in this early build. God bless you sir.


Thank you! There is so much more I want to do with this sim, so thank you for the support! For hair, I'm really hoping for the hairworks Unity package someone is working on to be available soon, but if not I have plans to improve the current custom hair sim instead.


hi, great project! I've unlocked the Teaser content but I don't see an option to remove underwear? How do i do that? I am using the HTC vive btw


Turn on the menu. Then look around for "Person" object near middle of bed. Point at and click thumbpad. This will bring up options ui for character. Clothing tab has option for clothing removal.


This has to be the best adult VR game I've played and it's just a demo!! I've pledged as much as I can, so excited to get the male character in!! Thanks so much for this mate!


Amazing so far, when are male characters being added? I noticed on vrpornmania they had a review of your project and there were male characters and blow-job scenes with changeable characters. Is that something that Creator level patrons can access?


Male character will be available in release 1.1 sometime next month.


Thank you for your beautiful piece of work. Personally, I like to adjust a body and face and program the movements. The possibilities in the game are limited to this. Is it possible to make the male invisible by a slider and only show the interaction? Again thank you very much! I like your creation.


I will try to put in some options for how characters are rendered besides the options already in there (color, gloss, etc.)


how to get man charachter? i don't see the option in my creator options ..was I doing something wrong? the update patch was working fine.


Male character will be in next release (1.1) coming sometime next month.


you are very kind. Sorry for my misunderstanding. My best wishes for your adventure.


... sorry if put this here... at least one Zevo's growing up-like options (similar morph) would it be possible (for one limited, short scene)?


the last: your settings for the rift are the best optimized in similar erotic animation contest, the most advanced and easy I was using since I could take the kit.


well done:)


I will include more morphs in future releases for more variety, but I cannot include content that could be used to depict sexual acts with minors.


Will you be adding sounds to the game?


Yes. I plan to add some basic sounds in release 1.2. I have plans for extensive reaction/sound system but it will take some time to make it work well.


There's a bug with 1.0.1, after i patched it, the program crashed 2 times in a row, third time worked, but now the bed, her body and the dildo is half transparent and the girl has no face. Only hair and eyeballs.


Other have not reported this. I suggest a restart of your computer. It sounds like your video card is having issues.