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I'm not sure what EA was thinking when they made Infants real sims, the community has clearly been outspoken about their love for the babies that are objects.

So due to popular demand, I've created a mod that fixes EA's egregious error. Infants Are Objects mod will give you the experience you've come to expect with sims 4 babies, as outlined in the features below:

  • Infants can no longer be selected and played as an active sim
  • Sims can no longer interact freely when carrying the infant object. Instead you will find that your sim can only place the infant in cribs, playmats, or on changing tables.
  • No need for a high chair, fill your infants needs doing the most basic of interactions at the crib.
  • Infants can sometimes be put on the ground, but they will be able to do literally nothing except wait for a sim to pick them back up.
  • No milestones, because objects don't need milestones.👌

I'm so sincerely sorry mod-free players can no longer experience a true object-based baby life stage in The Sims 4, but at least my mod can fill that hole for those who can use them. 🧡

(April Fools!)

Install Instructions

1. Delete any existing copies you have for Infants Are Objects.

2. DONT use any zip extract options. Instead, OPEN the "TwistedMexi's Infants Are Objects" zip by clicking it and drag the "Tmex-InfantsAreObjects" folder inside to your mods root. That's it! Do NOT restructure or modify the files in any way.

3. Make sure 👉Script👈 Mods are enabled in gameplay options -> "Other". Restart if it wasn't.




I love the real infants that can come out of the crib and play as the infant. I hate the new born baby that are stuck in the cribs.


You realize, don't you, that there are people who will actually want this. :-D


Hilarious... good one, I love it!! 😂🤣😏🙃🤗🥰

Carson Dye

ok so like im autistic and i genuinely cant tell if this is a real mod or not cuz like, i downloaded it to see if there was anything in the file and there was so im even more confused

Iris is dumdum

I know it's a joke but I fr hate the infant update... does it actually work?😭😭