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This is another lightweight toggle mod that stops burnout when toggled off.

This toggle has 3 states, as follows:

[Burnout Enabled] = Game default behavior.
[Burnout Partially Disabled] = Only Burnout will be toggled off.
[Burnout Completely Disabled] = Both Dazed moodlets like creative fog and burnout will be toggled off.

Simply repeat the "tm.toggleburnout" cheat until it's set to your preferred option.
This toggle applies across all saves, just like my other toggle mods.

Install Instructions

1. OPEN the zip, do not use any extract options.
2. Inside will be a .ts4script. Drag it to your Mods folder.
3. Make sure gameplay options have both mods and 👉script👈 mods turned on.
That's it!






Thank you Twisted!!! <3


OMG THANK YOU! i literally spent all of this week trying to find a way to permanent change the burnout/uncomfortable moodlet for my two sims, whoare creatives but cant create when theyre like this! and then you just drop this! youre so awesome!!! <3


I am so glad you made this. My sim comes home with burnout every day and while it's #relateable I do need him to get his life together because it's too much.


TS4 - the game where you pay to lose

Donna Clark

not sure if I'm doing something wrong but I have followed the steps and am not getting any menu. The no text and walking seems to work; as does the selectable pets. But the no burnout isn't responding to the cheat command for me.