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"Oi! Watch where you’re pointing that thing. That could have someone's eye out.”

“Oh come on Immy, you ain’t been hurt by any of their firecrackers all day. I don’t think we can even be hurt. Look what’s going on with these boys with the machine guns down there.”

Monique nodded down to the group of soldiers launching an assault on Imani’s hand as she considered the tank she held in her fingers. She was going to pop it.

“Oh my days what are these little boys doing? Who are you trying to rescue?!” The rebuke was followed by a swish of her hand swatting the group away. She was kind of trying to be gentle but they’d mashed up dozens of soldiers already today. “You need to learn!” She annunciated to anyone who might be listening. “Before I learn you.”

Monique rolled onto her back, still holding the tank. She slowly increased the pressure on it with her thumb and forefinger and the metal buckled, and compressed. After a pause she gasped and sat bolt upright.

“I ate one!”


“It fell in my mouth, from the tank, just as I was breathing in. I ate one!”

Imani fell about laughing as Monique sat wide eyed in shock. It was a little like eating a peanut without chewing. Not very comfortable.

“Shut it! I could have choked.”

“Well give them something to choke on, the cavalry have arrived.” Imani rose to her feet and faced a group of choppers coming in, firecrackers popping in the air around her. “I told you you need to learn.”




Ebony giantess need more love. Always sexy to see.