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Practicing more animation. If I get these in a good enough polish, I'll start incorporating videos as bonus content(another one coming later next week) and in the VN itself. Not a lot - just some select scenes. (Android version has a limit of 2gb file size that I have to watch out for.) This was rendered in different fps slowed down a bit, that's why they're wonky in terms of framrate. I also focused more on the faces which is why I missed a lot of clipping issues with the hands. There are twitching issues as well. Overall, I have a good grasp of what went wrong and how to solve things now. I rendered fewer than needed frames to test it out but I also don't really want a very high fps in any final videos I'll make for multiple reasons. The biggest of which is the aforementioned file size.

Anyway. Script for the next update is done. I do need a bit of reviewing and revising. In the meantime, I'll squeeze in some of these practice animations and other renders as much as possible before I'm completely lost into full production of the game. 



Animation practice. If I get this in a good enough polish, I'll start incorporating them into the VN. Not a lot because I still want to get a decent file size for android(2gb limit) but I'll do my best to get it in.



Wow, the animations look very professional! I didn't notice big clipping issues (especially in the kiss part. So many things can go wrong on that one). You say they are wonky on framerate terms, but overall I feel them really smooth too, with a quality that can compete even with straight VNs. I can't wait to see what you have in mind for the next update. Keep up the good work Tim.


Thanks. Youre very kind. The clipping issues are fixable, for sure. I just need to not be lazy in terms of working them out. Some issues I'm still reading up on like some of the movement looking weightless -which I reduced a bit in here after post-render but is something I've been trying to solve. Its a combination of different factors from wrong fps, wrong timing, etc. Some things that you just have to learn by keeping on doing them.


Does the latter part mean that characters will pursue each other without them? Or is this just a test and may only end up being a fantasy?


Sorry I missed your comment. Do you mean the characters in the animation having a scene with each other without the MC? Yes this is just a test animation. But your question brings an interesting idea. I'm trying to come up with scenarios in which two non-MC characters have a scene but without the MC. The game is told in the point of view of the MC so the obvious scenario in which he sees two other people making out is if he's imagining it again. But I like this idea. Maybe there are other ways to explore this.