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What's this? TRW already? Well the fact is my sleep schedule is super out of wack at the moment. Not sure exactly when I'll drop and for how long so I may as well play it safe and post while I can. 

Not sure what else I have to add about the page itself. I feel like my storytelling intent is conveyed pretty clearly on this one. No amount of horny can bury Elianna's true nature!




Ok, I'm definitely feeling the prime-time cable level tension between Elianna and Derek, but... is anyone else kinda hoping Elie manages to stop Morgan, but I'm the process Elianna's righteous assertiveness imprints itself on Morgan's subspace? Who could it be more awkward for Morgan to unwillingly obsess over dominating her than the school prude?


Might even be better if it doesn't surface at first. Later, Morgan thinks it's all past, trying to get over the humiliation of being called out like that in getting off everyone...but it does get her a little hot...enough to fantasize a bit before bed, scrolling through the partners in her mind, assuming for Casey...but then Elianna yelling orders at her intrudes and she ends up getting off to that. Queue terrified post-cum clarity.


A lotta stuff's coming together here, and I'm backtracking to remember some of it, haha. Elianna's being flushed and flustered by kissing goes back a ways, and it's fitting that it's what led her to this bit, and her very briefly losing her facade because of it fits. Reminds me of her bit with Tenma, except she deoesn't go through with the kiss this time. Morgan's "drooling simp" act is a bit wild- while crazed and surreal behavior is hardly new to the strip (hell Casey was cartoonishly crazy during ALL of "Switch"), I'm still getting used to it after seeing her previous personality. Jane's attempts to push Elianna's buttons (an established Jane trait) seems to be combined with jealousy here as she actually for once STOPS a potential lewd act. It's a pity the two have had only one single scene together in the comic thus far (the cheerleader costumes one-page gag), because they do seem like diametrical opposites. It also occurs to me that Elianna & Morgan haven't shared scenes before- I wonder if her disappointment is compounded by Morgan's previous lack of sexual displays (though she WAS always the lookout). Elianna's reactions to everything make me think it'd be good to have an in-comic display/explanation for exactly WHAT she thinks is wrong- should sex only be between people who are in love? She's obviously against sex at school (and that "following the rules" thing extends to the club here) but what if they're actually a couple? She obviously disapproves of her parents fucking that one maid, but does that extend to random hookups or poly stuff in general? I think it's been answered from time to time on Discord or something but I always find it easier to remember if it's an in-universe explanation, as hard as exposition can be to write XD.


Totally agree! Some of my favourite Switchverse scenes are getting the backstory and/or specifics on a character's particular quirks.