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Whew! Sorry to run so late on this one, gang. Had one of those instances where you think you're laying down for a quick nap and then you wake up 12 hours later and have no idea what goddamn day it is. 

Well this weekend the alpha for the first build of This Clandestine World was released on the game testing tier. We're getting some solid feedback already and plan to spend some time polishing it up some more before the full release at the end of this month! 

In the meantime, I wanted to showcase one of the new characters from the game. Friday Calero is the main character's not-quite girlfriend.  She's in her early twenties, working a waitress job she hates, and living in a small apartment with a roommate she doesn't get along with. She's got her struggles but nothing cheers her up like swinging by Roman's place for sex and free food, in that order. 

That's all for now. Hope you like Friday and that you're looking forward to the full release of the first build of the game! 



alex baker

Fusion of bria and parker I hope the new game has more like her love it


My favorite design from the new cast. Looking forward to seeing more of her 🙂