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I hope I haven't disappointed those who wanted to just see her in the club already this week, but I felt the story required a beat where Elianna psyched herself up in the parking lot with her posse to really hammer down how big a deal this is for her. 

Fun fact: Jane was a late stage addition to this little moment here. Originally the page was more focused on why Kayden won't be joining them inside. Thankfully I only needed a couple of panels for that because it eventually occurred to me that the Jane I have presented would absolutely hijack this whole outing the instant it was brought to her attention. From her need to host the hottest events to her history with Elianna, (also, anybody get Jane's ending in the visual novel?) it only made sense that she'd be eagerly awaiting them outside the club.

On to the technical side of things. As you may have noticed in my recent work, I've been attempting to get more adventurous with my light and shadow. Holy crap was I unprepared for contrasting neon lights in a dark parking lot. I conservatively estimate that about 40% of the work on this page was me messing with color sliders, filters, and masks trying to make something presentable here. It was Elianna's pale skin and white shirt that got me, mostly. Light that looked warm and sexy on the others lit her up like she was standing in front of a lighthouse bulb. I'm thankful that the next page will be inside the club so I'm not married to such a difficult lighting scheme for pages to come. 

That's all for now, hope you like the page and that you're interested in what happens next!




Oh, I'm interested alright :)


If Kaysen wasn’t already confusing enough, the pout is really doing things.