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I figure I may make these random sketches a regular thing if they keep going over well. This time it's Nina from my favorite indie game of the year: 30XX.

30XX is, in my opinion, the closest thing to a true Mega Man X revival we're ever going to get. I mean, the two playable heroes are just barely legally distinct versions of X and Zero and that pretty much sets the tone of the game's presentation. But it stands on its own with online co-op and an insanely addictive roguelike gameplay loop. And the soundtrack is a serious banger if you're into chiptunes.

Anyhow this isn't a sponsored post (I can't imagine why no one has reached out to me for that yet lol.) I just wanted to plug a lesser-known game I had a lot of fun with AND get to draw a topless immortal robot being blasted in the face by a giant dick. My task is complete.

Hope you're all having a good weekend!




This is awesome! I loved 30XX too!


Nice! Love the titties! And the large-sized eyes look like a pretty natural fit with your style! Loving the monstro-peen, too- cocks can look TOO much at times, but the giant frame with the tiny lil' head actually seems somewhat natural and avoids that problem entirely!


Right on. It's the same monster dong from the Lois Lane pic I did in this style, just halved in size this time. Might have to shrink it again depending on the character. XD