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EDIT: Aaand I just posted this outside the $15 tier like a moron while this is supposed to be for Game Dev only. Not that I mind sharing but $15 backers can expect a second Game Dev post before the end of the month because I am dumb.

I was holding off on doing the Game Dev post for April because I felt like I didn't have enough yet to show. I wondered why that was, and then remembered that I spent like three weeks on that Casey boob drop and I had my answer. Not that work hasn't continued on the game in that time. The reason I had space to do the Casey animation is because Kal needed time to figure out a few quirks in Unity before I press on with the art assets, and Siren Sleeps is hard at work on Roman's living room.

Meanwhile I've also been retooling the script. Initially, it was written in a fourth wall-breaking style where the characters were self aware that they were in a demo meant to impress the audience. It was a fun idea, I think, but in the end I decided to go full canon. This is no longer a demo, it's a short episode of the main story.

On the subject of this update, one thing I figured out pretty quick in this new format is that, like the VN, the women will look different after just getting railed than they did before they started. So this week I'm working on JBF versions of Friday and Promise Woman. I ran into some amusing snags with PW's pose here. My big problem was that, when all was said and done, she just read like a dead body. Obviously not what I'm going for here. I tried turning her head so you could see her happily content expression, but I just couldn't get it to look natural. Animation to the rescue in this case. In the finished product there will be a few flickering hearts and a frame of her breathing. Hopefully that will do the trick. XD

That's all I've got for now, you can find a few more WIPs on the Game Dev channel on the Discord server, I just chose this pic above because it's brand new and hasn't been seen there yet. If you have any questions about the game or how it's coming along please don't hesitate to ask, and thank you for your support!




Even without it being animated I think the hearts do a good enough job to show that she isn't dead


I am digging the Psylocke-esque uniform on her. The hip boots, cloth bands and thong were very important to a Young Scuzz back in the early 1990s.


No coincidence on that one! Her costume is a mashup of Psylocke and Power Girl. :)