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Capping off the biggest scene of the comic thus far (6 characters all having sex or soloing is going to be hard to top) with a bit of girl-talk and bonding. We're not quite done yet, though, and I'm hoping to have a surprise or two waiting for you next week!

Speaking of the weeks to come, I wanted to announce that I'm preparing for a move this month, and it's a very hectic time for me. I've got less than three weeks before my flight back to Florida now, and it rather suddenly feels like I've left everything until the last minute. If all goes according to plan it shouldn't affect my release schedule, but I ask that you bear with me if I have to shuffle things around. I swear everyone I know whose traveled in the last few months has a horror story about delays/cancellations and being trapped in a random airport for two days. So wish me luck in any case if you would. XD




Oh. Looking forward to seeing what's in that file. Good luck with the move by the way. Though beware of the Florida man when you get to your destination

Daniel S

Points to Chloe for spotting that. Didn’t figure her for emotional maturity. And also that little smile from Millie!

Chris Davis

Good Luck with your Flight! I hope everything works out okay! Man, both Millie and Chloe are looking Top Shelf, here! I'm assuming her "Best Friend" to be Issac? Can't wait to see what's with everyone's favorite Cyborg, I mean Nurse! :)

Squid Hills

Looks like I was wrong about them forgetting to grab the file on the way out the door. I expect it won't contain anything useful or actionable, though. I mean, the Principal doesn't know much about her beyond "red hair, green eyes, hot, possibly insane" and he hired her.

Lukas West

Hope the flight and the move go well! And leave it to Chloe to give sage advice lol


I need 20 pages of them having sex still, sorry.


Oof, moving is always a pain in the butt. Good luck!

Nicholas Grey

That must have been one HELL of an orgasm, if she’s still incapacitated after this long…


Chloe looks so good in the second panel...


At first Chloe felt a bit too tsundere, but she gained my heart!

Alejandro Garcia

Awww, gals being pals is just as good as gals fucking their brains out. I love how you manage both the hardcore sex and the softer parts just as well


Thanks! I've got most of my affairs in order but there's still a lot of stressful stuff to take care of left. ><


Glad you like that little detail! :) As for Chloe, I was hoping to imply she'd matured since the game, but not too much. XD


Right about Isaac being the friend, and glad to have the interest on the Nurse! :)