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It's come to my attention that the links on many of my old Reintalk videos are completely borked. It seems that Google Drive decides that after X amount of time has passed, the link permission will expire and anyone who wants to see them will have to request that permission from me via an automated email.  

I'm doing my best to fix it. The best I can do is slooowly download each video and sloooowly re-upload it to Drive, generating a fresh link to post here. So that's what I'm doing, all the way back from episode one-it seems the first five or so episodes no longer exist for some reason. Okay, all the way from episode seven, then. 

Sorry for the hassle to anyone who wants to watch these older videos, I'll be picking away at this all week to get them viewable. It's a trip for me, seeing some of these again. Just seeing what was on my desktop all those years ago is quite the nostalgia hammer. You might also notice some of these so-called "tutorials" are wildly out of date compared to my current style. I had plans to start doing new episodes this year, and still do, but I don't think I'd be able to commit to a regular release schedule is all. The main reason I stopped doing the videos in the first place is because there is, in fact, a hard limit to what I know that is worth sharing. And eventually I just run out of topics to work with.  But when I have something worth making a video on (or if you have any topic requests to shout out) I'll be sure to keep you guys posted right here. 


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