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So there were some exciting announcements this weekend if you're into video games.  One of which was an upcoming major story expansion for Uncharted 4 starring Chloe here, a fan-favorite character that was disappointingly absent from the recent game itself.  To be honest I was ready to be done with Uncharted by the end of the last one.  The main character, Drake, is just a little too charming and light-hearted to be believable as a guy who goes around snapping the necks of hardened mercenaries by the dozens, and that was beginning to hurt the immersion for me.   This sort of contradiction wasn't much of an issue when the first game released in 2007, but story telling in games has come a long way since then and major personality contradictions are harder to excuse in our narratives.  But Chloe, a roguish triple-crossing femme fatale, fits the role much better.  If she's the new star of the series that may be enough to keep me coming back if the games continue.  

Oh and if you're wondering why I didn't draw Ellie from Last of Us 2 (which was the BIG announcement this weekend) it's because absolutely nothing about that series is sexy to me. Don't get me wrong, I love that first game, it's one of my all time favorites.  But  porn is the last thing I think of regarding those characters.  I mean...good Lord man.



Bob Fink

This is so awesomely hot! Boy did she really take a load since it's even running out of her nose ;)


Thanks! It's been awhile since I drew a really messy one like this. :)


Really hot, I like it. Although that grain is really starting to bother me.


Yes! I was hoping you'd do a Chloe pic someday. I was also disappointed that Chloe wasn't in the last game so this announcement was awesome to hear. That demo looked really good. I'm still kinda mad at Nate for choosing Elena over Chloe.


Well in Nate's defense, Chloe isn't the type of girl you marry, but that's part of what makes her more interesting as a character if you ask me.


I certainly haven't forgotten your feelings about my texture choices. I'll admit it can be a bit intrusive on darker skinned characters like Bria and Chloe here. When the new comic starts I'll likely be looking for some variation in my filters to mix things up.